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Propagating setup question

Hey guys, the start of the season is upon us :D basically how do I keep fungus gnats out of my propagation trays (>_<) last year all of the coir pellets were filled with larvae and other nasty chit. Even found some maggots :O
Try mosquito dunks or a 10 to 1 water hydrogen peroxide mixture.Just water plants with this and a hang a few fly strips you should be good to go in about a week or two.Then bottom water.
Thing is, somehow they always make their way into the trays xD I'll try the peroxide suggestion, can it be harmful to seedlings? Also I can't obtain mosquito dunks since I just live in a place where mosquitos are extremly uncommon
Mosquito dunks contain viable spores (called endospores) of Bacillus thuringensis israelensis. If you can get such a product under any name ("mosquito dunk " , or other name), you will be able to treat your infested soil. There may be some product available in Sarajevo that meets your need. Google it.

Note that Bacillus thuringensis israelensis is useful against almost any insect of the fly family. However, i understand that "BTK" (Bacillus thuringensis kurstakii) products are useful only against larvae of insects belonging to the butterfly/moth family... thus, useless to you in this case.
You need the 'israelensis" subspecies/strain of this bacteria.

I have used diatomaceous earth to treat fungus gnats in seedlings, and introduced Hypoaspis mites to older plants -- they eat the larvae, and subsist on decaying organic materials in the absence of soil-dwelling pests.
They should survive in pepper plants' root balls, assuming you use organic fertilizers (ie.: alfalfa meal, fish meal, kelp meal).
miguelovic said:
Biological Mosquito Control contains Bti in greater concentration than most products. Good for shipping.
Pyrethrin bombs knocks out adults, sticky strips to catch the stragglers.
...what he said...
I put a few granules of slow release fert/pesticide in each of the plugs. Basically this stuff kills earth borne insects. Hopefully we see some improvement.
PS the gnats are already here, as expected. Hopefully they will be eradicated
 Hot water and peroxide when expanding the pellets. That is why I do not use coir pellets. Peet pellets don't have the gnat problems.