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Proud Pappa!

He's pretty busy right now. You have to put child-proof locks on the cabinets and doors, hide the chemicals, put away anything small that they might swallow.......
Good Lord! So this is what happens when I go away for a couple hours huh!? I've been busy writing and loading seed trays. Just loaded up a 72 cell tray with my Chinenses. I promise I'll post some more pictures of my babies soon but for now, here is a picture of a nice score of mine!

Good Lord! So this is what happens when I go away for a couple hours huh!? I've been busy writing and loading seed trays. Just loaded up a 72 cell tray with my Chinenses. I promise I'll post some more pictures of my babies soon but for now, here is a picture of a nice score of mine!

we have been sitting around a camp outside your house waiting for more news from you... :beer: :rofl: :dance: and going :crazy: waiting.

thats a nice score.. :)
Well, I just potted up a half a dozen or so Rocotos and a Cumari pollux, so I'll have to get some pictures of those guys up soon. More pepper porn to come. HEY YOU TWO, GET OFF MY LAWN!!! :lol:
ok ok had too much :beer: need to go somewhere... :whistle: arrrgghhh what a relieve hmm is that one of your wild CHILTEPIN plants... :oops: hehehe hmm it might be extra salty now.

Kind of ironic that you guys were teasing me about child-proof cabinets, doors, etc. when in the background of my picture you can clearly see our baby gate. Ah yes, having a one year around has its challenges...
haha.. i got a 2 3/4 year old running around... she likes to disturb my plants..
so i don't use any chem on them. when possible.
My lil girl just turned five. We planted onions today. Those little thumbs work out great for poking holes for them! She helps me pick peppers when it's time too. I'll have some off limits though now.....Bhuts, Douglah, 7 pot BS.....don't need to explain to mommy what happened if she broke one of them!

Ahh child labor! The perks of being daddy :cool:
Well, my four year old has just started to enjoy working with Daddy in the garden. I'm putting his little ass to work this summer! ;)
CHILD LABOUR!! :shame: hehe.....

its good if he wants to help you around, hopefully he does not over water the plants.

my 8 year son.. sometimes becomes too helpful. i mix some concentrated organic ferts in my watering can which i dilute and use just once a week.. but he was doing it for me everyday.(full strength) when i was not around. :) hehe i was wondering how did the ferts evaporated.... he killed one of my plants like that! i was thinking why !! fert burns!! arrrgghh.( too much nitrogen....)

so it has the pros and cons.

i am planing to fence up my area , my little area so that he does not go there and disturb my things..

sometimes the kids are just too helpful.. :)
You'll make a chilehead out of that boy yet! Get 'em started young!!!
hahahaha.. i think his little sister would be one faster than him.. my son does not like little spicy but my daughter to like the heat. haha. one day i was having chicken nuggets with her. i was dipping on to some sauce. she too dipped there without me seeing and she started to tell its hot.. after that she wanted more... hahaha.

BTW. what happen to spicy chicken ? i was not around yesterday but today i find him banned from the hotpepper.com.?
hahahaha.. i think his little sister would be one faster than him.. my son does not like little spicy but my daughter to like the heat. haha. one day i was having chicken nuggets with her. i was dipping on to some sauce. she too dipped there without me seeing and she started to tell its hot.. after that she wanted more... hahaha.

BTW. what happen to spicy chicken ? i was not around yesterday but today i find him banned from the hotpepper.com.?

I had no idea until you just said that about SC. I'll have to email him to find out.
I just potted up another C. chacoense 'CAP 501' the other day. Unfortunately, my C. lanceolatum $hit the bed and shriveled up and died on me. Just found out from another member that they may prefer a more acidic, low nutrient soil than others. I'll have a few pictures up here within the hour. Check back fans! :dance:
Alright, I got lazy and only got a couple pictures. Some are wild, some are not. When I'm more motivated, I'll post more later. So for now, enjoy these...

PIMENTA DE NEYDE - love the purple!


