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Pruning to promote growth?


So I have an overwintered cayenne that seems to be doing ok. It has a pretty thick mess of small branches and leaves and is spilling out flowers and pods. Unfortunately it is only like 8 inches tall and the same width. (I'll try to post a picture, I cant find my camera charger though...)

I have been pinching off all the new flowers trying to force it to grow bigger. At its current size, 1/2 of the pods it produces end up resting on the soil... I know I dont want that, I really want to get this thing to put its energy into growing taller.

Should I prune it? I am a novice gardener, so I really dont know what the hell I'm doing. If I cut off some of the lower branches will it grow new ones higher up more quickly? Or would this only slow it down in the long run?

Is it in a pot or in the ground? if in a pot what size? if in the ground is it closed in by other plants or structures?pics would definately help, usually though if the growth is stalled it is because of one of the following conditions:
1. poor nutrition- possibiltity of lack of nitrogen has caused a stall in vegetative growth or lck of phosphorus has stalled root production
2. temperature-low temperature can block the uptake of phosphorus (although being in phoenix im sure this is not ur problem ;) )
3. lack of moisture- even though peppers dont like soggy feet, they still need lots of water to grow big and strong!
4.over crowding- the roots need room to spread out to promote further growth
one of these is probably ur problem if their are no other symptoms, curled or burned leaves, etc.
Thanks for the help chile freak. Ill get pics as soon as I find that charger...

Should I take this to mean pruning is probably a bad idea, and any growth problems are probably due to bad conditions?

The plant is in the ground as of a couple weeks ago.

1. It might be poor nutrition, but I hit it with 1/4 strength miracle grow tomato a couple days ago, and the same about a week before that. However my garden soil isn't very good (poor drainage and not much organics)
2. We don't have low temperatures. High was 100 degrees today. Lows around 70 for the past few weeks.
3. I doubt it is moisture. I am watering every other day with a dripper system. That could be too much, water I guess, I am just afraid to dry em out too much with the temperatures and direct sunlight we get.
4. Its probably going to have an overcrowding issue in the future, but right now its pretty much on its own.
Do not cut lower branches. I top my plants or cut the head off and let those lower branches grow out and the plants become bushes. I just had one of my cayenne get bit in half and it is starting to grow out like a bush now. I notice if I let them dry untill they wilt then water/feed they grow very fast. I bought all my plants with disease and bad wilt and now they are well on their way...
If your lower branches are dragging fruit on the ground, trim them. I have some super hots right now that have all their peppers resting on the ground. After they ripen I am trimming the lowest limbs to prevent the fruit from resting on the ground.

Trimming a healthy plant does not harm it.
O yea agree if your branches are touching the ground thenyea trim them. I never had that problem ever though. When I replant I do not burry the plant and I use bamboo trellising.