I might have to get me a rubber stamp made and start stamping all our containers with that one lol
PepperDaddler said:I have gotten quality product from both vendors.
Thank you Dale and Judy.
armac said:how long you had that stamp Baker?
Ever see somebody post something, thinking it was going to go their way, and then it doesn't?
mark this thread as a perfect example...............thanks again for the superb pods Judy, never missed the stamp, just quality, no BS.
The Hot Pepper said:I trust a vendor with a quality rep, and feedback, and answers I get directly from that vendor more than any seal. "Yeah we grow organically we're just not certified yet." Cool! I would believe that from a trusted vendor with good rep.
The Hot Pepper said:True, I would like to see the jabs stop, and let everyone deal with who they want to deal with. Dirty politics can turn many people away. So this is to both of you, concentrate on your own business, and you will prosper. This is a community where we like to see vendors get along, and actually recommend other vendors when they may not have something. That's what is great about a community. It's not cutthroat.
The Hot Pepper said:Added:
As some others have stated here, the states they are in do not require a lot of what you posted to look for. If they DID require it, then I would say, yes Dale, you have a point. This farm is in violation, etc.
THAT'S why your PSA is self-serving. You mention optional programs you participate in, and are telling people this is how to look for quality peppers.
sicman said:i have a business number,a inspected nursery number and a fresh from florida number. those stamps are because of our fire ants and only have to be used for shipping live plants. they mean that the plants have been inspected. your inspector does not require that every package you ship has to have that stamp.only live plants. i wont let a lie ruin any of my business because someone gets pods without the stamp.
The Hot Pepper said:Now I'm off to buy a Chevy because I read a PSA sponsored by GM that said look for the JD Power Award and the Made in Michigan seal.
Jason....really man? You wanna get in here too? I knew for a FACT already you are "registered/inspected/certified" which is why i did not mention you in this. The reason i knew this is because MY inspector is the same exact one as YOURS! His name is Daniel Merced and he is based out of the Pasco County Office.sicman said:i have a business number,a inspected nursery number and a fresh from florida number. those stamps are because of our fire ants and only have to be used for shipping live plants. they mean that the plants have been inspected. your inspector does not require that every package you ship has to have that stamp.only live plants. i wont let a lie ruin any of my business because someone gets pods without the stamp.
Thanks for admitting this was not a PSA for members, and you were "calling out" your competitors. Honesty is key.BakersPeppers said:Jason....really man? You wanna get in here too? I knew for a FACT already you are "registered/inspected/certified" which is why i did not mention you in this. The reason i knew this is because MY inspector is the same exact one as YOURS! His name is Daniel Merced and he is based out of the Pasco County Office.
That inspector.....the SAME one who can FINE me ALL kinds of crazy fines and $$ told me VERBATIM.... "Every single box that leaves your nursery Dale, via SHIPPING,absolutely MUST have these stamps on it NO MATTER THE CONTENTS of the box"...Period...Jason (Sicman), i suggest you call him and double check if this also applies to you, as it may not as we do different volumes than each other, maybe its the volume aspect of it....im not sure...none the less i suggest you make sure...FINES are hefty!! Just a heads up my man...
Nusery Inspection/registration Certificates ....Stating my PREMISES is inspected and monitored BY THE STATE and that i meet alll requirements of the state...why is this so difficult to get through to u guys?? This has NOTHING to do with the FREAKING PEPPERS THEMSELVES!!! FOR THE LAST AND FINAL TIME.......im calling out the GROWERS/VENDORS of Hot Peppers, AND the PREMISES where they actually grow them!! PERIOD!
This is NOT directed at Jason (Sicman, or Lady Sic either), like i said you guys are 100% LEGIT and i already knew thatThats why there was no mention of you my man, no beef with you. Unlike most vendors/growers out there you HAVE taken the time to do things right, and for that I applaud you! To be quite honest, i previously put my word on it to keep your name out of my mouth if you kept it the same....remember? THATS why there was no mention of you in this before. Good, Bad, Or Anything!
Now please folks.....for the LAST time...THIS WAS NEVER about the PHYSICAL/ACTUAL peppers....it was the behind the scenes look into growers/vendors and do THEY take the time to make sure YOU the customer can rest assured EVERY letter of the LAW was followed in the GROWING PROCESS of their Products! I know i keep repeating that, but i keep getting SUCKED back in here to CORRECT this!!!! IT WAS NEVER ABOUT THE PEPPERS THEY SELL...............STRICTLY the business and the methods and levels of inspection THEY do or do NOT abide by. Hopefully I have CLEARED that part up!!
And yes Armac....Im DONE NOW..........HONESTLY! Pending more people refusing to "get" WHAT THE POST WAS ACTUALLY ABOUT TO BEGIN WITH!!!
Sizzlin' Salutations!,
Dale E. Baker Jr, CEO
Baker's Peppers LLC
@BakersPeppers On Twitter