powder-flake Puca Powder

The Puca is a spirit in Celtic mythology.  One of the traditions that centers on the Puca is that if you harvest anything after Samhain (Halloween) then you will have bad fortune cause that is the Puca's harvest.  I have this nutty idea and wonder if others want to do it.

Ice / Frost wine is made from grapes that experienced frost.  Freezing foods before dehydrating is one of the recommended ways of further insuring the food is safe.  I know lots of folk who freeze vegies they plant to dehydrate because they only have one dehydrator, gives them more time to get it done.  So I am fairly sure peppers would be fine to dehydrate after a frost.

Nutty idea, after that first frost but only if it is before October 31st, we pull the frosted peppers, dehydrate, grind and call it Puca Powder.  Since we all grow different combinations, the powders would all be different.  Adding the Puca to it and if the first frost is after October 31st, that year has no Puca powder.  Kind of a fun twist.

We each wind up with a vintage pepper powder that we can trade with each other and ramble about how good that year was for this farm and that farm.

That sounds kinda cool. Due to my climate I'll doubt I could make true Puca powder though. But it still sounds fun.
Definitely interested, been looking around and not much on practice just mythology description.
Still looking..
Dragonfire, modern day pagans tend to be urban folk so doubt there is much in way of practice going on.  Its sometimes a weird sort of thing, people who do not hunt worshiping gods of the hunt, people who do not farm worshiping goddesses of crop fertility.