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Pulling Hair on Manzano (Pubescence)

Well, I germinated 8 seeds, six of em made it... One of em is pristine and the other five have that black seed thing holding on strong to the ? cotyledons? (the firs pair of leves)

They aint seperated yet and it's been three weeks....the stems look good but the pristine ones stem in contrast is purple and thriving...dunno.

And as a result, the stems are longer and paler in comparison to the pristine one, as if they are struggling to rid themselves of the cotys. (sp.) I call it helmet head.

Sure seems this species is slow to do anything....hopefully the other seedlings will release the helmet head and go on to be productive specimens.

I want so bad to grow these ancient Peruvian chiles...

WTH...have a beer and all will be well..
The sprouts should not have the seed cap on them once they pop up. The sprout is meant to pull away from the seed cap via friction from the germination medium. I aim to sow my C. Pubescens seeds 1 cm below the surface of a good seed raising mix.

Three weeks is long enough to wait for them to escape the seed cap. You will need to remove the seed caps manually.
3 week's, a war raging in there? lol, try moisten the helmet more often, i do that when i have a seed helmet stuck, it helped.
Some peeps recommend tweezers, scissors, even scapels and all that kind of stuff to remove helmets... me... I just moisten the helmet, hold the stem, kinda squeeze the helmet out of shape to loosen it a little and pull it off slowly with a bit of pressure (not too much pressure). You win some, you lose some... but the funny thing is, I have always had much better success doing it this way than getting all surgeon on it.
....yeh from the title It def looks like I could be pulling hair from my... "chile" rotflmao

Must admit I was slightly buzzed when I chose the title to this thread...bet Blues would get a kick... :)

I'll try the water torture...thanks.
Helmet head is not too uncommon. Soaking seeds before you sow them seems to help. But whenever I end up with one, I do like Gasi said - moisten, wait a minute, and squeeze.

Nothing to lose (as is the helmet heads will die without intervention), everything to gain.
Don't be discouraged if the cotyledons suffer a little bit of a damage either... usually I find the seedling will still bounce back. You just don't want to pull the whole head off the thing!