flavor Pumpkin Bubblegum tasted TERRIBLE.

Not much else to say.... i just ate a small Pumpkin Bubblegum pod, which was very hot but tasted horrific as well.
Like soap and eucalyptus leaves or something. Oh well, live and learn....
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I have had a few terrible tasting varieties myself over the years :) Sometimes when people breed for looks or heat, the flavor isn't a high priority.
Last year I had an amazing scorpion / reaper cross, (I don't remember the name) which produces an amazing amount of really hot fruits, but they all had a bitter/chemical taste that made them useless for anything! such a waste
@dragonsfire I grew a few that tasted "soapy" to me but my record holder was the Madre Vieja🤮 Was supposed to lean towards grapefruit/tropical flavors but for some reasons it tasted like pure soap!!! Another great deception was the 7 Pot Slimer; bitter AF, metallic and chlorophyll flavors blended all together (if it makes sens!). I think it's the only variety that went directly from the garden into my compost bin!!
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I had that last year with what was supposed to be a Naga BBG Yellow.
Only one of three plants produced yellow fruit. The other two had red fruits that were blocky instead of elongated and hot as hell. They seemed twice as hot as the caramel morugas I tasted them with. The flavor was a strong soap/perfume/bitter. I’d think they were some kind of reaper from the look and heat if not for that weird flavor.
That said, now I wish I’d planted a few for this year just to see what happened. That’s the fun of hybrids for me.
reminds me of the bubblegum from the 70's that tasted like soap.

Dont recall if it was the exact one.

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@dragonsfire I grew a few that tasted "soapy" to me but my record holder was the Madre Vieja🤮 Was supposed to lean towards grapefruit/tropical flavors but for some reasons it tasted like pure soap!!! Another great deception was the 7 Pot Slimer; bitter AF, metallic and chlorophyll flavors blended all together (if it makes sens!). I think it's the only variety that went directly from the garden into my compost bin!!
Haha METALLIC, that's the best word to describe the one I was talking about as well! Chemical/metallic
I have had a few terrible tasting varieties myself over the years :) Sometimes when people breed for looks or heat, the flavor isn't a high priority.
Last year I had an amazing scorpion / reaper cross, (I don't remember the name) which produces an amazing amount of really hot fruits, but they all had a bitter/chemical taste that made them useless for anything! such a waste
But it's not completely lost if it's insanely hot and tastes good but mild. I have tasted some insanely hot chilis where there was now taste at all but only heat. Then you have lost it. People should stick to what is the hottest and tastiest chili you have growed. We have way too many crosses today and it gets boring.
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Not all Pumpkin BBG are the same then. I was given some by @Walchit , I believe, and they taste great to me.. When I'm lucky enough to harvest one. Most supers I won't grow more than once, but I'm on my second round with these.
Edit: Wait, is BBG7 Pumpkin the same as Pumpkin Bubblegum? Maybe I don't have the same one.

@Karpasruuti, problem with that idea is who wants to eat/grow just one type of pepper.. Then if you grow two, well you know the story.
I asked a person selling produce if they sold/grew peppers, and they said they did.. I asked them what kind and they were like, "We grow red peppers and green peppers." Does it get more boring than that? It does get irritating when you are supposed to get something true and it isn't though.. I think I'm up to 4 attempts now, maybe 5 of growing Omnicolor without having Omnicolor to show for it.
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^^^^^Like CraftyFox said above "Not all .........are the same then."
I grew Bhut Orange Coppenhagen a couple seasons ago and they tasted bad. The plant was a monster and I was excited with all the production. Then I tasted one. Yuck!
Well, i pulled that plant a few months ago and have another two small plants waiting for the weather to heat up. :)

Thanks for the replies.
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