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Pumpkin Invasion of My Pepper Bed

Invasion of the Pumpkin! So this year I took ONE pumpkin seed, which turned into ONE tiny pumpkin plant, and I put it in the corner of a 4x4 bed filled with peppers, just to see what would happen. Those monstrous branches moving 8 feet in every direction and hooking and rooting themselves into everything they can get their hands on - other plants, sides of beds, ground, themselves - and walking themselves all the way over to the next bed, where they've latched onto my lettuces, are all from the same ONE plant. Weird!

:) You'll have problems with that pumpkin taking over your grow space.

Yeah, pumpkins will send out new roots at every joint that comes into contact with the ground.

Good luck on taming it, but pumpkins require a LOT of space.
I had heard the same thing about watermelons. I originally had 6 of them planted in my pepper patch. I decided to just pull them out and replace them with 10 more pepper plants.
searching for a recipe I saw earlier for pumpkin seeds and found this thread. I planted two plants on the other side of my 18' raised bed. They totally and completely engulfed my eggplant, cantaloupe, and lima beans. I will never plant pumpkins in my garden again...maybe in a certain part of the yard...but never by any other plant I want to survive. I'll only be getting 3 pumpkins out of it too!