Pure Evil 13 sale in November-


eXtreme Business
Quiet little heads up for an upcoming sale on Pure Evil 13.  Yep, 13mil SHU Pure Evil is on the market along with our new website, PureEvilProducts.com.  Were having an intro sale on November 13th, big price discount and some extras including some dried Ghost Fire Hot Sauce for the first few orders.  Start saving your nickels!  Sale of 13mil on the 13th!
still a couple typo nitpicks to correct, thanks for the comments, OCD~
Thank you both.

Someone asked about collector tins, which I hadn't thought about. If I can get it sorted out, i might do 13 collector tins. Gotta think about how to make that work.

Any interest here in collector tins?
Pure Evil 13 intro sale is going up tomorrow, Sunday, Nov 13th! 
It'll be discounted $26 ($13 x 2) and will include some extras.  
I'll also post a limited edition of 13 collector tins with extras.  The Collectors Tins will only be listed on Amazon, If anyone wants one and doesn't have access to Amazon, contact me directly.  The collectors tins will be $99.99 with $50 of that going to charity.  Details will be posted in the morning.  Thanks for everyone's continuing support! 