for-sale Pure Evil Capsaicin Drops OOPS! Sale

Thank you salsalady. I had a chance to try this tonight and was not disappointed.

Holy moly this stuff is hot even at the lower 6.4M Scovilles. One drop on a bite of my dinner tonight was enough to light me up good and as promised it had little/no impact on the flavor of the food.

Interestingly it came on very slowly. Almost no heat until I was finished chewing. Lots of burn on the back of my tongue, little to none in the front and almost none on the throat. Definitely brainstorming things I can spike with this like BBQ sauce, maple syrup, salad dressing...?
Spork said:
Thank you salsalady. I had a chance to try this tonight and was not disappointed.

Holy moly this stuff is hot even at the lower 6.4M Scovilles. One drop on a bite of my dinner tonight was enough to light me up good and as promised it had little/no impact on the flavor of the food.

Interestingly it came on very slowly. Almost no heat until I was finished chewing. Lots of burn on the back of my tongue, little to none in the front and almost none on the throat. Definitely brainstorming things I can spike with this like BBQ sauce, maple syrup, salad dressing...?
all condiments- soy sauce, mayo, mustard, catsup, bbq
soup,casserole, all sorts of ethnic foods
ice cream, yogurt
beverages-rum-n-coke, beer, margarita
Thanks, Spork...All the above suggestions are true examples of uses for Pure Evil-
Back in the prototype days, someone made some PE snickerdoodle cookies and send me a few in the mail.  The Kid (about age 12) was with me at the post office when I picked up the small box and opened it.  Without asking, he grabbed one and took a big ol' bite.  Gave it a couple chews, and then got a funny look on his face.
"Pure Evil Cookies?!?!???  What's Wrong With You People???!!!"
True Story!