Pure Evil review

A great review for an awesomely packaged product. Very cool Ann!

god he looks like he's dying. His eyelids turned purplish-red. I will never, ever do what he just did. You could not pay me enough to experience that. Holy mother of god that stuff looks scary.
Thanks, guys-
It's generated some sales, so that's good. I've tweaked the formula/process a little more and now the capsaicin is closer to 1 gram per bottle than the 3/4 gram per bottle Scott has. Sending some to get HPLC tested.....

will keep y'all posted~~~ :evil:
1 gm? :!:

you really, really frighten me sometimes.

Wonder if Scott will review that one? hahaha :rofl:

seriously though - I love the tin. Fantastic looking product and it deserves to sell.