Pure Evil samples - Sold Out!

Hi Michaellustfield from SD!

I replied to your PM. Thanks for your interest.

There are some notes included with the bottles, but that's a good idea to post some here. There were a couple other threads during the testing phase, where people posted how they were using it. Some of their ideas are-

soup/stew/chili (5 drops in top ramen will light you up! Especially since this batch is hotter than the test batches)
gravy/sauces- anything with any kind of sauce- stir fry, curry, alfredo, sausage gravy,
baked goods/sweets (I tasted some Pure Evil snickerdoodles ....YUM.. it would also be good in brownies)
eggs/breakfast scrambles- haven't tried pancakes yet....
yougurt/ice cream/ chocolate sauce
drinks (rum&cokes, bloody marys, beers, rum or vodka and OJ, hot chocolate, someone even tried it in plain milk :crazy: )
Other sauces- Evil Catsup and mayo are REALLY good! about 5 drops per cup gives it a little zing, but doesn't change the flavor. Or if you have a milder sauce like Sriracha, a bbq sauce or other hot sauce that needs some heat.

Everyone feel free to post if you find a great way to use it....IN FOOD!!! :lol:
I needed some last night. Got a jar of salsa from the store that tasted pretty decent, but despite its "hot" designation, was woefully mild.

Clearly I will be buying some soon, as I think about how I can use it about once a week. I suppose that means I'm hooked having only tried it. Sheesh. :D
So, I finally tried out this new batch of Pure Evil today by adding it to my favorite salsa from the mexican meat market down the street. I added ten drops to the 16 oz container that it comes in and gave it a nice stir. I then started to dig in with some freshly made chips. Although it did not add too much initial heat, it did add a nice long lasting slow burn. I will surely be using the heck out of this stuff.

I then had to see what it was all about in the nude. I dropped two, at least I felt two, drops onto my tongue and gave it a few seconds to kick in. I surely did not get the kick that the video reviewers were showing, but it was pretty damn hot.

Awesome stuff SL.

Thank you,
I am not :crazy: Methinks spicy milk is good. Funny too when someone grabs it to calm down the heat from some hot sauce on chips they were eating. :rofl:
I am not :crazy: Methinks spicy milk is good. Funny too when someone grabs it to calm down the heat from some hot sauce on chips they were eating. :rofl:

I did it in orange juice to go with my chicken fried steak and eggs breakfast that I doused in chile flakes. MMMMMMMMM good shit there.
I am not :crazy: Methinks spicy milk is good. Funny too when someone grabs it to calm down the heat from some hot sauce on chips they were eating. :rofl:

Hey, I wasn't going to name names! But if you're willing to admit it...... :lol:.. Justaguy also makes Pure Evil rum&cokes.

Thanks, Nick. Glad you tried it straight. 1-2 drops is pretty easy for chileheads to handle, try the 10-drop ramen challenge!
1-2 drops is pretty easy for chileheads to handle . . . .

Yeah, I tested two drops, and it wasn't a huge deal. The heat came on slowly and lasted, but I wasn't running for the milk. I did get the "that's pretty hot" salivation, but not to an unpleasant degree.

More importantly, to my taste buds it functions 100% as advertised: more heat without altering the flavor. I definitely like this product. I wish it were hotter... but by the same token, if I had a Bugatti Veyron Super Sport, I'd wish that it were faster. That's just the nature of a product like this.

And your turnaround time is outstanding. I hate to sound too much like I'm leaving eBay feedback, but literally, I would not hesitate to purchase from you again.
Thanks, Mulcahey and ridavid. You can always add a couple more drops, especially when adding to starchy things, which seems to cut the heat a bit. I figure there's over 350 drops in that little bottle.

In the videos, they tasted about 15 drops in the half-dropper and 25-30 drops for the full dropper. I'm not suggesting that everyone do that! At Zestfest, we saw reactions from....scraping their tongue on the floor from one drop to "yea, that's got a bite" from 3 drops on a cracker. Everyone's taste buds are different.

Also, one other little note, the drops are tiny drops, a lot smaller than drops that come out of the "1 Million PureCap" oleoresin dropper or a lot of other droppers. It's all relative.

HH81Betterhalf, thanks for that tip. Definitely use a lot of soap when washing up any spills.
My bottle took a bit of shaking to get it dissolved, but then it got NASTY hot! :dance:
I love it!!
I made some jerky today ,, my usual Garlic,,Black Pepper,, Spicy,,,and now my Pure Evil batch!!

Ever had jerky make you hiccup??! :cool:

hiccup jerky? No, never had that! That sounds good, Kevin.

In case some didn't read the notes included with each bottle, Pure Evil capsaicin needs to be kept in a warm place. Do not refirgerate. The capsaicin is heat sensative like some oils are. Coconut oil sets up at typical room temperature, and then melts at something like 76F.

Just keep the bottle in a warm place or put it in a cup of hot tap water for a few minutes.

EDIT- All the sale bottles are spoken for!
In the videos, they tasted about 15 drops in the half-dropper and 25-30 drops for the full dropper. I'm not suggesting that everyone do that! At Zestfest, we saw reactions from....scraping their tongue on the floor from one drop to "yea, that's got a bite" from 3 drops on a cracker. Everyone's taste buds are different.

I'm pretty sure 15 drops straight would light me up past the point of being fun. I have no doubt that 30 would... but I'll leave that to the daredevils on YouTube. :cool:

I'm gonna use it to add fire to stuff like those "hot" (read: "hot to people who don't eat spicy food much") salsas that taste so good... because extracts taste like ass.