Pure Vs. Hybrid

Good example with Jalapenos.   I understand what you're saying.  I think a lot of people are just having some fun, and the thought that they will end up being the last person to grow the variety they're working with at the moment just doesn't cross their minds.
It's funny, I'm growing a handful of varieties that I have worked to keep pure (or cross in a specific way), but if I lose interest, those varieties may disappear... c'est la vie.  I see some not-too-obscure varieties appearing in a multitude of forms and I know I'm growing the real deal, sometimes I feel pressure to keep the "true" versions going, but I don't have the resources to become the holder of every true type of each variety I experiment with.  Besides, where would it end?  How would you set limits?  It's a slippery slope that's not workable for everyone in the long term.
As for me, I'm still in the experimentation phase.  I've grown a number of varieties over the past few years, made a few crosses, and would like to concentrate on a handful I think are really special... I'm getting there, but so far it is really hard to open my hand and stop growing peppers I know are awesome, but are really more than I need and more than I can handle... maybe I'll figure it out in time for my 2014 grow :cool:.
Good thread I love the idea of new variety wether crosses or imported from far away but do think that we need to preserve some basic varietys I've only been at it a few years and there out of the blue we have all kinds of superhots that just werenot around last week with very limited info as to were they came from or what was crossed to create em or who created them,