
Hey, I just found out one of the plants I'm growing is a Purira. I thought it was a Puriana, but it was a misunderstanding. I looked it up and that's the most beautiful looking pepper plant I've ever seen. I hear they taste good too. I'm just curious who else is growing them. I'm pretty excited about it!:D
rainbowberry said:
It looks pretty dosen't it. That's what RWI was trading in seeds.

Yeah, I noticed that browsing around yesterday. I honestly think it would lighten up a yard as much as flowers would. Except you get to eat these ones!:hell:
I'm growing several of them again this year. Here's a pic of one just starting to go through its color change

And here's last years beauty again

Yeah, that's a beautiful plant you've got there. I actually made that my background on my computer. I'd say that's a compliment as well.;):)
Puriras are a sleeper chile in that they are extremely picante.

They ripen a very nice shade of red: I call it lipstick red.