seeds-germination Purple Thunder F5 and Trippaul Threat v2 F4 2022


I am looking for folks to grow the next
iterations of these peppers in 2022.

Anyone interested, please message me
with your address, and I'll send seeds.

I would appreciate it if volunteers would
post their results to the respective threads
in the Grow Logs section.

The Purple Thunder is the Yellow/Caramel
variant and the Trippaul Threat is the Yellow

Thanks for giving this some thought.
Happy New Year!
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Hey PG I would be happy to grow your Purple Thunder Yellow/Caramel F5 this year!
@PaulG, tempting but I think I'm going to grow PT Mystery again this year. Hopefully things will go better than 2021 and I can isolate some pods. Purple Thunder is a great pepper. I hope more folks will grow it in 2022.
Hey PG I would be happy to grow your Purple Thunder Yellow/Caramel F5 this year!
okay, Bou, will get those out Tomorrow! Thanks.
@PaulG, tempting but I think I'm going to grow PT Mystery again this year. Hopefully things will go better than 2021 and I can isolate some pods. Purple Thunder is a great pepper. I hope more folks will grow it in 2022.
Okay, nothing wrong with that! The pods
you got in 2021 were pretty awesome.
I'll bite! Lot's of folks ask me about that Purple Thunder. Seems to be a big hit among these lines! I still have that isolated bag of them for you Paul, as I believe I sent the non iso bag earlier this year(tons of new surprises in that bag im sure)? Anyway, I'll hit your message box and get them out to you.
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