I've been locked in my own battle with spider mites the last couple weeks. The affected plants have been quarantined and thoroughly sprayed every few days and there doesn't appear to be any new damage on them, but a few of the ones that got hit turned a pale green and look stunted. I've found a little spider mite damage on a couple other plants too, but it might have been there before and I just didn't notice. Back out to spray again here in a few minutes. I would recommend you get one of those 1 gallon pump sprayers if you don't have one, it makes the job a lot easier. I got one for $8 at Lowe's.
To my horror yesterday I was looking at my black chokeberry/aronia plant and there is a small army of green aphids on it too. There were probably a few hundred on there packed like sardines in a tin can. There was a lady bug there eating them but he better bring some friends. Fortunately it's about 30 feet from any pepper plant and I'm seeing more and more lady bugs and assassin bugs every day.
To my horror yesterday I was looking at my black chokeberry/aronia plant and there is a small army of green aphids on it too. There were probably a few hundred on there packed like sardines in a tin can. There was a lady bug there eating them but he better bring some friends. Fortunately it's about 30 feet from any pepper plant and I'm seeing more and more lady bugs and assassin bugs every day.