food Quad's Jalapeno Poppers


Ok , here's my adventure in poppers.

I took 3 of my giant 4" jalepenos, cut in 1/2 lengthwise, and cored/deseeded. I saved the plancenta and seeds like a good chilehead ;-)

Made the choice to eat one of the placentas whole minus the seeds..dang...these ain't bad for Jalapenos..

Ok, that done, did the same for two orange habs. (feel free to use whatever floats yer boat)

Like so:


I set aside the Jalapenos, and put into my MiniCusinart:

The two habs, rough-chopped.
1/4 tsp curry powder
1/4 tsp ea. onion and garlic powder.
About 1/2 cup of Soft Brie. (can use cream cheese or whatever)
About a tsp of El Yucateco Green Habenaro Sauce (oh ya, you can get creative here..)
Dash of olive oil (optional..just helps mix and consistancy)


Ok, now we smooshify. :-)

Mix 'em up in short bursts, taking time to open and scrape down the edges as it'll be thick at first and want to clump.

Should be like so:


Then, spread into your innocently waiting jalapenos.


Bake at 350 degrees until the top is golden and bubbly like a pizza from hell. :-)
Don't let them burn though, that's just icky.

I used a toaster oven, and was about 15-20 mins.

The peppers should be just wrinkling up, but not burnt.

Take out, let cool and firm up a few minutes.

Then, eat those bad boys!

I had the idea, because a buddy was teasing me that I was the only guy he knew who'd stuff a hot pepper with a hotter pepper.

So, I did.

Since can only post so many images per post, here's the final result:


Pardon me, I'm off to go munch now. :-D

I'll second that, they were yummers. :D

Needs Naga though methinks...

I told a buddy, I plan to stuff a regular orange hab like those with a Jolika in this same manner. Just because I'm that nuts and can.

Now if only those babies were ready to eat.
I have never tried them like that but that seems soooooo much quicker than the clean, stuff, wrap with bacon, and grill...they look delicious and I know my wife would like them....
I originally got the idea from an ex-gf many years ago, that's just how she made them. I find the sheer surface area of cheese contacting the pepper then roasting makes them quite a bit milder too.

So, I stuck habs in the cheese to rekindle them a tad.

They can be a bit messy to eat, but most good food is IMO. ;)

Yeah, it's just what I happened to have on hand..pretty much anything you can think of will work. Only reason I even needed the Cuisinart was because I was adding habs to chop/mix in. Otherwise, just use a bowl and whatever floats yer boat.

It's a seriously ez thing to do so, be creative! Bits of onion, other peppers, meats, mushrooms, anything that can mix with cheese/cream cheese.

I tried one with a bit of mashed-in crab and that was pretty spiffy too.

I saw a recipe also where ya batter and deep-fry 'em. Heh, that's too much work for me and I'm not big on deep-frying anything, but mebbe someday...:)

Quad..great looking oozie goozie poppers! If I were on a deserted island and could only have 3 foods..poppers would be one of them.
Cheers, TB.
texas blues said:
Quad..great looking oozie goozie poppers! If I were on a deserted island and could only have 3 foods..poppers would be one of them.
Cheers, TB.

Thx! Hey, you get at least two food groups and one of them is a can ya go wrong? :D
Quad, man those are good! I saw this post today and had to come home and make some. I made them similar, but used cream cheese, 2 red habaneros, chopped chives, and the topped them with cooked bacon. :)


They disappeared really quick! I think they could have used some more habanero - I should have added some El Yucateco sauce like you did. So, so good, though.. Thanks for the awesome idea!

- Eric :hell:
Looking good elequin!

Thanks folks, glad I can contribute something fun for ya'all. :)
It's just so easy and versitile, yet yummers.

It's just a are made to be messed with IMO.

If you were to use a hotsauce instead of actual chillis for the filling, ya don't even need to use a machine, just mix in a bowl and fill.

Also works really well with minced crab, orange habs and sambal w/ red pepper cream cheese. ;) Perhaps a curry version? No end to variety here.

Cool thing too is, if ya can't handle super-hot..the cooking with the dairy inside really evens out the heat.


A thread from 2008 has been resurected from the dead :onfire:

They do look delicious!
I would probably deep fry mine cause I like my artery clogging goodness!!
Those poppers look great Quad

QuadShotz said:
I'll second that, they were yummers. :D

Needs Naga though methinks...

I told a buddy, I plan to stuff a regular orange hab like those with a Jolika in this same manner. Just because I'm that nuts and can.

Now if only those babies were ready to eat.

Ive done the Bhut, Hab, Naga blend with cheddar and cream cheese .. I smooshified them then filled a wonton wrapper and a very quick fry -- very very tasty -- a little tedious with the wrappers but over all very nice