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Queequeg grows stuff, and fixes junk.

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if they look crumy, its because they are.
need water and ive been lazy, ill go back out there and water them at some point today.
also got SMASHED last night by some nasty wind...

victim of mine, not the wind. pvc hose sliped off the table and snapped it.
serrano dosent seem to care though. we shall see what happens...

lettuce plants.

cactus plants.

tobacco plants from last winter... i chopped these down to a stump but they grew back. ive not watered these what so ever since last... december ?
no clue why they are alive still.

fertigation machine. in pieces.

my intention here is to shrink the system down substantiall.... such that it fits into the trunk of my car. im going to fold my old design into 2 pieces... and push the frame out into the third dimension.
im also going to add a filtration system. the filtration will require a far more substantial pump, so im going to just mount this onto the frame as well as the filter.

my fancy pump. grundfos up15-58 with a custom plastic head from some other hydronic heating company.

can anyone identify this plug? if so i will kiss your mouth.
spent like an hour on the molex website... im 60% sure its not a molex branded connector.


one of those fabricators got back to me with a pic of a decent looking trial 2" vane fabricated. looks like i finally found someone to roll these for me... the shop is like an hour away, but fuck it. id drive to canada for proper vanes at this point...
oh derp.

a turning vane is just an airfoil that redirects air down a square heel elbow. 4.5" vanes are much more common for larger dia. ductwork. you may have seen them.

but 2" vanes while technically more efficient, are alot less common because of the labor involved in fabricating alot more of them compared to the larger vanes.


well, they have to be deburred first before being fed into a slip roller. if not, the burrs can damage the polished steel rollers and interfere with the feeding of the part.

yea still though, its a gloves on type of thing messing with turning vanes especially.
oh jesus fucking christ.

its like the universe felt my glee at finally getting my turning vanes fabricated... and thought it appropriate to toss me a shit smeared curve ball.

i found like 6 wires CHEWED TO SHIT by what look like mice? no tiny shit logs... no furr, and the insualtion seems to not be disturbed? yet its clearly fucking chewed down to the copper...i dont fucking get it.

this house has never even had mice either from what i can recall. possums YES... but only in the attic apparently. always had cats... maby they just never came inside?

fucking hell now i have to replace like 100 feet of wire thats mostly under the counter space... idk if i can even do it properly without removing the counter top.

god i want to fucking find what ever mice did this, and smash them into red mist with a croquet mallet... then piss into the cloud of red mist...
Can't terminate each end where the wire is chewed into a socket and just replace the chewed bit? More sockets never hurt anyone :P
no the wire is inside a VERY narrow drop from the ceiling down to the kitchen outlets, garbage disposal and overhead lighting.

this is why im so puzzled... yea if it was in the attic i would atleast understand... but this is literally a 3.5" wide cavity that is 100% blocked from the top. i cant actually see the bottom though. its behind the cabinet that houses the dish washer.

the only thing i can think of is when i re did the siding and added the OSB sheathing and re did some of the outlet wiring... that would have been open then, but only for like a week before i got the OSB put back up.

and its not like there is any way into the kitchen from up inside this tiny cavity. it runs right into a top plate... i just dont get it.
lol i think i threw my tantrum a bit early... turns out it was trivial to remove the chewed up wires... just cut out some drywall, pulled the staples and yanked them back out.

then i pushed up the new cable, reach down... grab it and pull it back up the wall. thank GOD it was not stapled properly.

remember when i said its sometimes easier to fix a job done wrong easier than it is to fix a job done properly? well... this turned out to be one of those times...
not much going on right now... working on new work shit, and ive had a bad strep throat thing from last friday.... i think i might have an abcess on one of my tonsils or some shit because just one side of my throat hurts like a real bitch right now...

i only wanted to update this because... i got dem turning vanes all up inside my car right now. so happy... finally.

fun fact though, 200 feet of turning vane weighs like a billion grams. its funny... on paper you never even think about that shit, but yea. the stack weighs more than a small bag of cement, but less than a 90lb bag of portland.
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