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Question about cal mag

Hey guys I was wondering if anyone knows if its ether to use cal mag in the soil or as a folier. Any thoughts? Thanks ahead of time!

Better to use*
Thanks for the reply. I used it in the soil this morning. I might give them a spray tomorrow if they are still looking bad. They look like an old lady's wrinkly face =)
Foliar application is nice because I think the leaves will uptake the nutrients even when the soil is locking them up when pH is too high or too low.
Good point suchen my plants have been growing pretty good till this calcium deficiency. Ill post a video of it tomorrow on my glog so you guys can check them out.
Jmishork said:
Good point suchen my plants have been growing pretty good till this calcium deficiency. Ill post a video of it tomorrow on my glog so you guys can check them out.
Nice! I will check it out.
Just remember it won't help the leaves that are already twisted and wrinkly. You'll notice it in the new growth. Calcium is an immobile nutrient.
Good to note Jamison ill look for it in new growth. With the wrinkly leaves still be good for the plant or should I try to cut them back?