Question & an evil looking pod.

Long story short 3 plants one a Naga, two T-Scorps and i got them muddled up. This little beauty grew over 5/6 days and i thought yay what a fantastic looking Naga  :onfire:

Any way i go on my holiday and come back, about 2 weeks has passed and i check on my Naga...  :shocked:  :twisted:  :fireball:

My Naga has grown into a beast.. Turns out it was a T-scorp.
Is it normal for the likes of Moruga's, Brains, Yellow 7-pots, Scorp's to grow really slow? I mean like really slow as in +3.5 weeks for pod to reach full size?
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Yes it can be normal but that pod looks like nothing you think it is... :) Cheers and happy holidays! Hopefully it taste wonderful and you love it, outside that not sure what it is....
They are Trinidad Scorpions... can only be that or a Dorset Naga as removed the seed's from the pod's myself ;)
The lady i purchased them from also grew Bhuts... Just Bhuts & T-Scorps. I suppose cross pollination could in theory have happened. 
A few more pods that are growing with the Hulk (my name for the big pod)  :)

Jamison said:
Yes they grow really slowly! 
That's good to know, thank you :)

I removed the seed's from one of these..personally speaking i think these are hotter then and other chili I've tried - hotter then Moruga's. 
I don't really like them, they have a sharp painful burn and limited taste. I just like the look of them  ;) They look awesome.