Here's an experience of mine for you to reflect on:
My friend and I went to Taste The 4th Sense in Mississauga so I could buy a bottle of Black Mamba sauce, the hottest thing they had at the store. I stupidly asked for a sample of their second hottest product, Mongoose sauce, which is supposed to be anywhere from 2 - 3 million SHU. I told the guy at the store that I had 2 others in the car who might sample it along with me, so he gave me a rather large amount of it in a paper ketchup cup. I took it back to the car, one of the guys wussed out, and it ended up that the sauce was split between me and the only friend who was willing to try. We both had about a teaspoon's worth each, and as soon as I swallowed it, my throat INSTANTLY began to burn. A mere 5 seconds since my friend had his he had begun to hiccup, and that told me it was about to get A LOT worse, which it did. I had never felt such incredible pain before, and the endorphin rush that came with it was a definite buzz - I FELT LIKE I WAS HIGH ON HOT SAUCE. It was so intense that I was laughing and drooling, and my friend thought he was having a heart attack because his hands felt numb. Crazy stuff. I was able to sit through the mouth and throat pain, but once the stomach pain began, it was TOO MUCH. We desperately drove to a Burger King and ordered as much food as we could afford. It took me a chocolate milk shake, a bacon poutine, and a whopper to finally calm my stomach down. I probably would've puked had I not eaten anything. To this date, no other hot edible has caused me such excruciating stomach pain; I was in true agony, something beyond that which I felt when I had consumed 2 Nagas in one sitting.
The moral of the story? There are two:
1. Don't eat something ridiculously hot on an empty stomach, and make sure you have food to consume afterwards.
2. Don't **** with extract sauces unless you know what you are doing!!!!
Good luck.