Question for Pepper Experts

RedThumb said:
Take 2 nagas and you'll feel better. ;)

I made a cup of tea out of 10 seeds - I died ;)

RedThumb said:
So to sum it all up: DNA testing has not been done so everyone is just taking their best guess.

as far as I know this is true

RedThumb said:
How does it taste on pasta? ;)

I once had some Aussie police pepper spray on mashed potato and it was VERY HOT!!! :mouthonfire:
RedThumb said:
So to sum it all up: DNA testing has not been done so everyone is just taking their best guess.

I think we had this discussion here earlier this year, but I don't think DNA testing is sensitive enough to tell the difference between two varieties in the same species. If I remember correctly, DNA testing on the Bhut showed that it had been crossed with a frutescens at some point. I haven't seen where anyone has done DNA on a Naga, but it's possible that it was crossed with another species or variety, too. The outcrosses might account for some of the differences in the two.
Sorry to get off topic, but I feel bad for Bentalphanerd.

bentalphanerd said:
i'm trying to grow Bih Jolokias - seeds are from a registered scoville tested pod. I planted 3 seeds at the begining of Feb. 2 sprouted by end of March...grown to 6" and well...wish i could say more really. Should be able to say more after 5 months down the track... Its ok im not upset

Hang in there, I've had a big delay with my Naga's and Red Savinas. I germinated the seeds in March and planted in the ground in late April. Both Naga and Savina were the same size for over 2 months, they didn't grow more then an inch!

Keep hanging in there!
don't feel sorry for nerds, just take his lunch money and run away laughing or singing a little ditty about how small his plants are hahaha

to the tune of When The Saints Go Marching In

he has small plants
oh what small plants has bentalphanerd
he should have bee-een a plumber
oh what small plants has bentalphanerd!

sorry - I know it's poor but I only put one minute's thought into it
chilliman64 said:
I made a cup of tea out of 10 seeds - I died ;)

as far as I know this is true

I once had some Aussie police pepper spray on mashed potato and it was VERY HOT!!! :mouthonfire:

You're a very strange man.
bentalphanerd said:
Its all academic anyway - the Jolokias dont really grow, they get to 6" high & stop ...nothing, nada, zilch for months. Its someones idea of a sick joke. I'm not obsessing Im not obsessing Im not obsessing Im not obsessing Im not obsessing:banghead:

Same problem here with mine. My Bhut Kolokia's, Carribean Red's and Habanero's have don exactely the same as yours, they grew 6" tall and stopped, oh yeah they are green and healthy but no were near the size to produce pods.;) :mouthonfire:;) it's enough to burn me up.
Pepper Belly said:
Same problem here with mine. My Bhut Kolokia's, Carribean Red's and Habanero's have don exactely the same as yours, they grew 6" tall and stopped, oh yeah they are green and healthy but no were near the size to produce pods.;) :mouthonfire:;) it's enough to burn me up.

I'm in the same boat guys. My Savina's and my Naga's are healthy plants all about 6-8" tall and spreading outward with no flowers or buds at the nodes yet. The plants in my hydro setup are quite a bit bigger with one of the Savina's pushing 5' but there again, no flowers or buds yet. All of my other plants are loaded with peppers including my Chocolate habs which have huge pods that are already starting to turn. Strange stuff this year.
cheezydemon said:
My take on it is that the scoville system is based on subjective info. In other words, scientists taste peppers and rate them as objectively as they can

It was originally something similar (a solution was repeatedly diluted until the heat could no longer be detected) but capsaicin content is now measured using HPLC testing.

Pepper Belly said:
I found this on Wikipedia.

Naga Jolokia pepper
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Naga Jolokia (Hottest Spice in the world)
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae

The Bhut Jolokia, Bih Jolokia, Naga Morich and Dorset Naga may all be the same pepper but I'm fairly sure that the Naga Jolokia is something completely different.
Is anyone growing Bhuts/Bihs and Morich/Dorset? That'd be a good way to tell, grow them in the same conditions and compare. I'm growing Morich and Dorset (probably the same thing, but time will tell), and I think the anuum or fruitescens naga jolokia (the fairly mild one?). I don't have bhut/bih seeds though.
Don't worry, all. They are just slooowww growers.

I started my Morich and Dorsets back in January and am just getting my first pod.
Dorset Nagas are slightly different than Naga Morich. Dorsets are a selectively bred form of Naga so there is some differences. The Naga Jolokia is something totally different and very dissapointing. I've also got Nagas from seeds obtained in Bangladesh and they look slightly different too but all are extremely hot and quite productive for me.
Sw33t, were finally getting some hard core truth's to all these naming conventions!! Now please post up some pics of each of the one's your describing, and I'm sure we'd love to see a pic of you after consuming a Naga :lol:
My Dorset Nagas and Naga Morich definitely have more than two flowers per node. I don't know about Bhut/Bhins

Mu Bhuts have two flowers/node.

And I've gotten two ripe pods so far.
Here's some I recently picked

Top left is Naga Morich
Top right is Dorset Naga. They seem to turn red quicker
Bottom is Bangladesh Naga
Even more confusing is that my trinidad scorpions look very similar too.
BobsYourUncle said:
Is anyone growing Bhuts/Bihs and Morich/Dorset? That'd be a good way to tell, grow them in the same conditions and compare. I'm growing Morich and Dorset (probably the same thing, but time will tell), and I think the anuum or fruitescens naga jolokia (the fairly mild one?). I don't have bhut/bih seeds though.

I am growing Bhut Jolokia's. Well attempting anyway.