food Question for the Chefs / cooks

Paulky would you like to adopt a 51 year old son? OMG

oldsalty said:
Have you looked into a Shun blade I love mine and they a relatively inexpensive for the quality not cheap but within reach of most pockets :). Beautiful blade CAPCOM!!!!!!!!!!! Who makes that? :)
Just googled Shun. That looks like a good knife that might be more do-able.

Any other knife suggestions?
Paulky that was magnificent!!!!!! I mean that shirt WOW were do I get one! Naw I'm just kidding :) you sir are a artist beautiful job!!!!! :)
Rymerpt said:
Ok im seeing tools in the pic so I'm guessing a tool is missing. That tool would be a flexable bambo roll making mat.( official guess )

If you are speaking of a very important ingrediant then I would say it is the dried seaweed that is placed in the rice while it cooks. (Kombu)

PM me your mailing address.
Yeah, the Asian market I go to has it from time to time. I took a rhizome a couple years ago and potted it. unfortunately I had an aphid infestation and lost it. Thought I would try it again. Real Wasabi can be like hot peppers. Sometimes you get a really nice one with all the attributes and sometimes a dud. I gabbed this one to grow and with any luck, a year or so from now, I will have more. Or even better, seeds. All of the fresh Wasabi in the states with the exception of Hawaii comes from Canada, as did this one.
The heart of sushi is the rice, and the the proper and thorough cleaning of the rice is key to successful sushi rice. the pic below is my sushi rice after 15 cleanings and rinses.

This is the sushi rice right from the cooker. It is at this point very sticky and hot. prior to infusing it with the rice vinegar mixture it needs to be cooled down by fanning.

After the sushi rice is down to room temperature the vinegar can be added. Every grain of rice needs to be coated with the vinegar mixture so a thorough combining needs to be accomplished.
The hangiri in mho is essential in making the best possible sushi rice. I have never not used one in its preparation.

I opted for a simple maki roll compliment with yellow fin tuna, omlet, celery, carrot, green onion, shitaki mushroom and wasabi (horse radish type) and shrip and yellow fin nigiri sushi. I left the nigiri incomplete in the first and completed them for the next pic.


I will be making more sushi tomorrow. Considering California spicy tuna roll with Brown moruga powder and flying fish roe, nigiri sushi using yellow fin, hamachi, salmon and shrimp. I was not able to get any unagi to make my dragon roll. that will have to wait til another time. I have an avocodo that is not quite ripe yet. If I can work with it I will attempt a makeshift caterpillar.
All that was missing was some warm saki.
I am just beginning this journey myself ... very nice looking plate, and I too was mind-blown when I realized what (a fantastic amount of process) goes into the rice!

Been a busy day. My wife has a new fondness for sushi without and animal protein. Sent some spicy tuna rolls and some nigiri sushi with my daughter to her best friends for dinner. And I also have an order to prepare an appetizer platter on the 28th of this month. And this one will have to be presentation minded.
Now see what you started by this thread Rymerpt? ;)
I have been noticing that my maki rolls would require just a little effort, but I'll bet I could get them to look like pepper flowers.
I also tried something that jedisushi recommended a while back. Implementing super hot powder into the spicy tuna roll. It was way better that I thought it would be as it complimented the wasabi and the soy sauce and finished the taste sensation with a full mouth after glow.   