breeding Question for the experts on making hybrids?

Would it be at all possible to cross a Bhut Jholkia with lets say...a Thai Chili or Aji Lemon? 
I imagine the the cross  breed with the Aji Lemon would be very fruity and spicy! Maybe on the rare chance the bhut would turn yellow? Not entirely sure on the Red Thai though, I bet it would pack some heat for sure.
This whole curiosity started when I was reading Fataliis growing  guide into crossing hybrids.
hogleg said:
You should check what D3 is documenting this year.
Cool,will do. Thanks!
Well, I have a bit of time. So I decided the aji lemon and bhut combo. I am curious as to what is going to happen tbh.
StrapOnFetus said:
Well, I have a bit of time. So I decided the aji lemon and bhut combo. I am curious as to what is going to happen tbh.
It is possible to cross baccatum with chinense. Problem starts when you get to F2. The seed count is very low, and not many of these seeds will sprout, and of those that sprout, not many will produce fruit  :tear:
I've crossed Lemon Drop with Chocolate Hab., and have an excellent F1 that is now in 3rd season. However, I have very limited luck with F2's. Only one plant has set any fruit, and that did not taste very good. 
Welcome to THP!

Well I am a noob not an expert, but from what I have read crossing baccatums with other domesticated species will result in a sterile hybrid. So your bhut x limon might give you some interesting peppers indeed, but any seeds from that F1 hybrid plant would not be viable. Now, I don't know this firsthand, but I read it in The Complete Chili Pepper Book by Prof. Bosland of CPI. And also here:


Read under the heading "Evolution of Domesticated Capsicum Species"

Again, I'm not claiming any firsthand knowledge, I'm just relaying what people much more knowledgeable than myself have written on the subject.