I would like to save seed from what I grow for my own use as well as to share
I assume all species of pepper cross pollinate, so how do you have confidence that the seed you save will grow the pepper you expect? Not a big issue if it is for yourself, but you don't want to give (or worse yet, trade or sell) someone else seed that doesn't produce as expected.
In one of my raised beds I am growing one plant each of Poblano, Sandia, Lemon Drop and Orange Bell grouped together 18" apart. It would seem to me that I could not expect any of these plants to consistently produce seed that would grow plants just like the parent.
I have other plants growing in individual pots separated from other species by ten feet or more. Would it be safe to believe these would produce progeny like the parent?
I assume all species of pepper cross pollinate, so how do you have confidence that the seed you save will grow the pepper you expect? Not a big issue if it is for yourself, but you don't want to give (or worse yet, trade or sell) someone else seed that doesn't produce as expected.
In one of my raised beds I am growing one plant each of Poblano, Sandia, Lemon Drop and Orange Bell grouped together 18" apart. It would seem to me that I could not expect any of these plants to consistently produce seed that would grow plants just like the parent.
I have other plants growing in individual pots separated from other species by ten feet or more. Would it be safe to believe these would produce progeny like the parent?