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breeding Question regarding cross-pollinating

I have a question, as you might have guessed, regarding cross-pollinating.
Internet sources are contradicting one another. Some are indicating that cross-pollination of Capsicum is simple while others state that it requires previous experience. My question is, how much experience should you have before you start cross-pollinating? 
I also have an additional question: are certain Capsicum hardier than others (e.g. I've heard that C. pubescens are hardier than C. annuum).
Thanks for answers, and again, sorry for any silly mistakes, but this has been my first year growing chilis.  
im actually wondering the same thing i have a couple flowering plants. do i just rip a flower off and rub it on the other? and how would i know i did it right what if it was already pollinated?
newpeppergrower1105 said:
im actually wondering the same thing i have a couple flowering plants. do i just rip a flower off and rub it on the other? and how would i know i did it right what if it was already pollinated?
Capsicum fruit are berries with an ovule that contains multiple ovaries. It's possible that you will end up with seed from self pollination and seeds from cross pollination in the same berry. This is why you need to emasculate the flower bud before it opens before the anthers have matured and released pollen if you wish to be more certain of cross pollination.