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Question to those who made AJ's purees

The idea of the purees is great. A super hot canned product that is shelf stable, doesn't take up room in the freezer,  and you can just add a little to your cooking or sauces to heat things up.
Question is, I find myself wondering if the vinegar and agave have any negative impact on the flavor profile that would cause you to want to use fresh or frozen peppers in lieu of using a canned puree.
I'm thinking that if I have scorp puree, Tabasco, brainstrain, cayenne et.al. purees on the shelf, I could just grab some fresh ingredients to make hot sauces or other dishes and add the puree as needed.
It sure would free up some freezer space...My significant other is starting to give me grief about who much space I am occupying in the freezer...
It doesn't affect the flavor negatively at all. In fact, I've seen it enhance it a bit. And if it's possible space-wise and money-wise, you may want to get yourself a chest freezer and put it in some out of the way place like the garage or basement. I'm giving very serious thought to doing so myself, and already have several containers that are 2 gallons apiece as a basis for my sauces, as well as smaller ones for smaller batches or to add to other sauces (BBQ, etc.)
I used AJ's puree recipe for Fatalii, Brainstrain, Red Hab, etc. pods that I grew and could not be happier. The pods would have rotted and gone to waste. The vinegar and agave was not very noticeable in the flavor. I liked it much better than the standard sauce with stronger vinegar flavor. I'm still pulling out new bottles from a few years ago and they seem fresh. I have a dorm size refrigerator in my garage with only beer, purees, and sauces so I don't take up too much space in the kitchen fridge. I have enough powder to last a lifetime, so the puree was the perfect option for utilizing large quantities of fresh pods. 
Having experienced the real deal AJ puree's.....
Your ass will be smoked!
As in human spontaneous combustion smoked!
Not for noob's, grandma's, wimps, hippy's, wannabe's or pussy's.
Make sure you have life insurance.