home depot five gallon buckets 2.54 lowes fivers 2.78
these are bigger than nursery five gallon size
14" deep x 11.25" diameter
get the pretty silver ones they seem lightproof
or ask dad if he likes jimmy johnson (lowes) or joey logano (home depot)
Hey Nicole. Something to consider if you are going to go with the pots. Last week I looked on craigslist for 5 gallon nursery pots and came up with multiple places that had them cheap. A landscaper a few miles from me had a mountain of them she was trying to get rid of. I got 45 of the 5 gallon pots for 50 cents each. Other people were selling theirs for $1 each. They are slightly smaller that the typical 5 gallon bucket, but I think they will work fine for me.