Questions from a beginner


I believe it's been about 17 days since I planted the Bhut's, and I was getting worried. I thought I might have planted them too deep - I didn't water them enough - I watered them too much - They weren't warm enough...

But the little guys showed me! I got a surprise when I got home from work today!


High-fives all around!

P.S. excuse the slightly blurry picture. Still getting used to macro mode ;)
Congratulations Daddy....this one will grow up and hurt you when he is grown...
Pam said:

It's amazing how much energy we put into worrying about the little boogers, isn't it?

*nod* I'm going to try to relax now that I know it's ok. Even if I have a low germination %, at least I'm sure its POSSIBLE with the conditions I have set up.

AlabamaJack said:
Congratulations Daddy....this one will grow up and hurt you when he is grown...

Thank you :) GREATLY looking forward to it!!

So, as many of you know I lost almost all my peppers to damping-off... Here's the last lonely guy...


Now, as you can see from this thread, these little guys were planted over a month ago, and he sprouted right around 2 weeks ago. Is this growth rate normal? It seems slow.

Thanks guys :)
I'm also new at the hot pepper growing thing. I also have several Bhut's that have been up for a month..and look just like the one you have a picture of. I wonder if it is the soil you are starting them in. I started mine in Miracle Grow Cactus Mix. Germination was about 40% and only have one plant that has put on more leaves. Then 3 weeks ago, I started more, this time I used the Jiffy7 pellets. I hear on here that anything with peat is looked down upon. But guess what! I got 100% germination and they are growing much faster then the ones in the cactus mix. (Maybe sometime this week I will post pics and put my findings in a seperate post. It is a very busy week since I'm a pastor.) Today I transplanted them into 20oz cups where I mixed 50% Schultz Premium Potting Soil and 50% Schultz Cactus Mix(bought it at wally world and it seems so much better than Miracle Grow's version).
ddrsheden said:
I hear on here that anything with peat is looked down upon

Peat works great with the proper ammendements, but peat pots and jiffys can be the cause of many avoidable problems especially with pepper seedlings. my blog I have pics of seedlings that were about 5 weeks from seed at the time...the blog title says 30 days from seed but it took me a while to take the photos and put them all together...

If the plant is going to survive, it will eventually the way, I am sold on Hoffmans Seed Starting Mix...when I transplant I use a non-fertilized premium potting soil I get from my local nursery...then next transplant will be to the compost/cushion sand (60/40) in their 5 gallon container homes.

Good luck with your seedlings...
AlabamaJack said: my blog I have pics of seedlings that were about 5 weeks from seed at the time...the blog title says 30 days from seed but it took me a while to take the photos and put them all together...

If the plant is going to survive, it will eventually the way, I am sold on Hoffmans Seed Starting Mix...when I transplant I use a non-fertilized premium potting soil I get from my local nursery...then next transplant will be to the compost/cushion sand (60/40) in their 5 gallon container homes.

Good luck with your seedlings...

These look frozen in time compared to yours!

ddrsheden said:
I'm also new at the hot pepper growing thing. I also have several Bhut's that have been up for a month..and look just like the one you have a picture of. I wonder if it is the soil you are starting them in. I started mine in Miracle Grow Cactus Mix. Germination was about 40% and only have one plant that has put on more leaves. Then 3 weeks ago, I started more, this time I used the Jiffy7 pellets. I hear on here that anything with peat is looked down upon. But guess what! I got 100% germination and they are growing much faster then the ones in the cactus mix. (Maybe sometime this week I will post pics and put my findings in a seperate post. It is a very busy week since I'm a pastor.) Today I transplanted them into 20oz cups where I mixed 50% Schultz Premium Potting Soil and 50% Schultz Cactus Mix(bought it at wally world and it seems so much better than Miracle Grow's version).

Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one...