I just started with this and was wondering- I noticed that it seems like everyone cooks their sauce first, do you have to? The recipes I used (before finding THP) didn't say to cook, is it to kill off any bacteria? Does it keep longer? Without cooking how long will it keep? Thanks
Thanks, guess Im ready now since you told me Few recipes I found (while searching) before finding THP never mentioned cooking soooooo I didn't and the batch itself is practically gone within a week. Anyways, will be cooking it next time, was just asking. Thanks for any help and future advice.If you're asking this question, you are not ready. Search is your friend.
Thanks, guess Im ready now since you told me Few recipes I found (while searching) before finding THP never mentioned cooking soooooo I didn't and the batch itself is practically gone within a week. Anyways, will be cooking it next time, was just asking. Thanks for any help and future advice.
+1 to THP
Cooking = Sauce
Not Cooking = Salsa Though it's still cooked to a certain point.
....it's just not what I prefer.
And yes...I do have a fancy schmancy PH meter for quality control.
What brand if you don't mind me asking?
Fermented- optional, fresh-short term consumption,optional;To bottle -cook it. I like to bring to a boil -even quick short term consumption as it seems to bring the flavors out completely.But -hey -thats just me and my 2 cents.
Always remember that peppers are ideal medium for botulism in low acid solutions....and that ain't nothin' to play around with.