show-off Questions with pics

Well, as I was looking at my plants, my very plants, which I do all the time, I noticed something growing along with my caribbean red plant. It only has 1 leaf, and seems to be very small and the soil I used for it is new, so I dont think its a weed, but it may be possible. I am wondering if it is a pepper or not, and my camera isnt the best, but try to give me some input on what it is and if I should rip it out or let it grow.


Its very small, and hard to see, sorry for the quality. Heres another view.


And one more question, some of my experimental peat pod seeds are growing, and I'm wondering if its alright if I just put them near the light, just in the pellet until they grow for a bit. I tried transplanting one already and it died probably due to shock. Heres an example of what I mean.



Sorry for all the pictures, just looking for some advice. Thanks a lot
Straticus said:
Well, as I was looking at my plants, my very plants, which I do all the time, I noticed something growing along with my caribbean red plant. It only has 1 leaf, and seems to be very small and the soil I used for it is new, so I dont think its a weed, but it may be possible. I am wondering if it is a pepper or not, and my camera isnt the best, but try to give me some input on what it is and if I should rip it out or let it grow.

And one more question, some of my experimental peat pod seeds are growing, and I'm wondering if its alright if I just put them near the light, just in the pellet until they grow for a bit. I tried transplanting one already and it died probably due to shock. Heres an example of what I mean.

Sorry for all the pictures, just looking for some advice. Thanks a lot

Don't apologize for sure helps explain what you are talking about when you are asking a question...

If it were me and something that was not expected to come up did, it would be gone in an mercy...heck it may be an aphid tree...JMO

I think it will be ok there for a few looks awful week. To me the chlorophyl has not finished developing yet because of the "yellowness" of the leaves...leave her be and keep her moist, not wet. Again JMO.
Yea, the plant does look pretty weak so I dont want to overdue it and have it under the lights if thats not the thing to do. Then again, if I let it sit without light it might get leggy and start reaching, who knows, I think I'll just leave the plant were it is and see what it does. As for the weed, i'll probably give it 2 or so days and if it is a pepper i'll rip it up, or aphid tree ;) either way
Looks like grass to me.

Be careful of leaving peat pots exposed like that, they dry out quickly.
potting soil you buy isn't ever really 100% weed free, and if you didn't put two seeds in there it's not a pepper (when peppers have twins they come up right next to each other) so yea, rip 'er up.
It was under the light all day yesterday, and last night I gently misted it cause I didnt want to overload it. So I woke up this morning, and it had fallen over completely to its side. I took it out of the light and set it somewhere else with no light. Im not sure if the light was to strong for it, which I highly doubt, and maybe it was the fact that I only watered it once, but I dont want to drown it. Does anyone have any idea why it would of fallen over?
In the picture the soil looks pretty dry. Try bottom watering by setting it in a cup or a bowl, and let it slurp up all the water it wants.
Yea, I'm gonna go home and drop her right in a nice little bowl of water :) See how she likes it, never given my plants a bath before.
Straticus said:
Yea, I'm gonna go home and drop her right in a nice little bowl of water :) See how she likes it, never given my plants a bath before.

Make sure the water is tepid and not cold...
Yea, shes sitting in a bowl of I would say room temperature water, like lukewarm so to speak. The bowl is only about a quarter of an inch full, so its only covering about 25% of the extended peat pellet, I hope thats enough to do the trick.
Yea, I did that for about 25 minutes and she perked right back up :) I guess its something with peat, I'm assuming it doesnt hold water very well. And tends to dry very quickly.
Straticus, It is drying fast because the whole thing is wide open to the air therefore the water is evaporating quickly. Put it in a cup or something and it will not dry out as quick.

thepodpiper said:
Straticus, It is drying fast because the whole thing is wide open to the air therefore the water is evaporating quickly. Put it in a cup or something and it will not dry out as quick.

Agreed. I keep my peat pots in a tray of some sort, and usually put a little water in the bottom everyday. If they need it, the peat soaks it up quickly and I can add more. If they don't, the small amount of water evaporates quickly from the heat of the seed starting mats.
Well, I would personally like to transplant it now to a 9 ounce cup. Im just afraid its so small that the shock of a transplant right now would damage and or kill it. Its a pain to get off the "wrapping" of a peat pellet ugh.
Straticus, can't you just leave the peat pot on aren't they biodegradable? If not just cut with a sharp pair of scissors down two sides and leave it on.

thepodpiper said:
Straticus, can't you just leave the peat pot on aren't they biodegradable? If not just cut with a sharp pair of scissors down two sides and leave it on.


They do not, in my experience, biodegrade very well. I always remove the webbing when transplanting plants grown in peat pellets, just like I peel off most of a peat pot.
I dont like to leave the mesh on from the peat pellet because it has been known to restrict growth, atleast in my case when I tried them a few years ago versus just plants seeded in soil. Im going to let it grow a bit under the light and when I see signs of its first true leaves, i'll plant it.