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Quick Question for ya...

Ok I have 36 pepper plants growing. They are getting quite big now. The leaves are huge!!! Real nice green color (with purple veins) nice thick stems. The big problem is, the peppers are very floppy. Although the stems are nice and thick they aren't "stiff" and the plants are very "bendy". How do I get them to stiffen up?? (besides stroking them LMAO) They have outgrown my grow chambers so I took that apart and they are sitting on the floor right now waiting for me to hang the grow lights again.
Sunlight as in hardening off will do the trick. Just do it very slowly and maybe use some wooded skeewers to help support them till they can do it themselves. Key word slowly.;)
Get an oscillating fan. Mechanical stimulation is what causes the stems to increase lignin content and get stiff.

Just enough wind to barely rustle the leaves, not gale force or anything.
My little babies are now getting a breeze from a fan for about three hours a day. They are getting a darker stem at the base and thats a good thing for they will get stronger as the breeze from my $12.00 oscilating fan is increased and I left mine grouped together to give them support from the other plants.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Sunlight as in hardening off will do the trick. Just do it very slowly and maybe use some wooded skeewers to help support them till they can do it themselves. Key word slowly.;)

Txclosetgrower said:
Get an oscillating fan. Mechanical stimulation is what causes the stems to increase lignin content and get stiff.

Just enough wind to barely rustle the leaves, not gale force or anything.

These are the 2 answers I was going to give...almost exact wording....

And I re enforce the 'slowly' when harding them off. Tony05 had chillis under lights for months through winter and one overcast and not hot day he decided to put them out in the open and within 6 hours every leaf had fallen off his plants.

I don't really grow under lights so I never have to worry about harding off but lots of others here do so they will be better telling you hardening times.

And staking them is a must.....First little breeze when you put them out to harded and you will not like the results:(
everyone beat me to it...mechanical stimulation is the key...I read somewhere that if you don't have a fan, lightly brushing the tops of the plants with your hand (a clean hand) a few times a day would also do the trick...so stroking them is in order ;)
Ya, I give mine a reasonable but gentle shake every day, just enough to knock off old leaves and remind the plant it'd better get to making pods soon. ;)
Novacastrian said:
Purple veins, stroking and hardening off! I must be in the wrong forum :onfire:


well I went and bought a small fan (8 bucks) I will stake them tommorrow and I cannot harden them off yet...I will be going out of town for about a week so as soon as I get back (from disney) I will start hardening them