seeds QUICK! What seeds to collect from Quevedo Ecuador area?

Have a business acquaintance who owes me MUCH favors, and he just let it slip that he's in Quevedo Ecuador on business.
What sorts of seeds should I cash favors in for? :lol:

I'm becoming interested in primitive/pre-Columbian varieties but I'm not familiar with this particular area. Any help would be much appreciated!
Yeah I'll look through and see what he'll do- if nothing else I'll just have him head to the market and grab a few fresh Rocoto to scrape out, it's good to get some fresh DNA up here!
Yeah, I was going to say 'just go to the market and say 'semillas negro,' that would definitely get me some good Pubescens! heehee

Turns out he's going to be there a few days. Maybe I can beat my Colombian Mystery haul!
He scored a few, and he's going to gather up a few different ones as well before sending 'em up to me.
here's what he's got so far-

No names yet, but a couple of them look familiar. Anyone care to venture a guess as to what's what on the plate? ;)
ok, I've got some names. From email-

The tomato shaped one is called "AJI TOMATE CHILENO" ('Chilean tomato' I don't know the heat on this one, but it looks like a really nice Rocoto to me)
The yellow one is called "MEXICAN JALAPENO" (perhaps an Aji Jalapeño? I'm gathering that 'Jalapeño' and 'Habanero' are sort of loose terms for a lot of different varieties in South America, yes?)
The long red one is called "GALLINAZO" (Gallinazo is most used to note a pre-Columbian period of time in the development of Peruvian culture, I'm assuming in this instance it means 'from northern coastal Peru?')
The small carrot shaped one is "PRQUENO GALLINAZO" and from what I could understand a hybrid of the Mexican Jalapeno and the Gallinazo. (pequeño Gallinazo, small Gallinazo.)

The seeds will be in the mail to me directly, as soon as he dries 'em out. :onfire:
I grew siling labuyo and they look like the small ones. One of my favorite peppers if used in soups.
SWEET- email from crackberry. Dave came back to the US early and brought the seeds himself. Cleared customs at DFW and dropped 'em in the mail, so I should be getting 'em within a week.

w00t :party:
Nice score -- Id be interested in the PRQUENO GALLINAZO seeds if available - I think the AJI TOMATE CHILENO are Rocoto Rojo -- I try to get anyone that is going somewhere to find native peppers/seeds for me too
The Gallinazo ones look cool! :)

Gallinazo means 'Vulture' in spanish (Literally translated 'really big chicken').

I can see the resemblance in the Gallinazo to the Turkey Vulture :P

Really nice pods! Congrats on the haul! :)
Seeds received yesterday afternoon, seeds planted last night. For not being a gardener or into chiles, Dave did an awesome job of heirlooming- seeds were seperated and labeled, totally dried and all placenta was removed. The seeds from those tomato/apple looking Rocotos are wickedly black and meaty- I'm really looking forward to seeing those ones come up!
Congrats on the nice haul! Best of luck on the grow this year. Looking forward to hearing your reports of how they taste and grow for you.