Rabbit Dung?

Is it possible to use rabbit dung for fertilizer on my pepper plants? We have two fury long eared critters that my wife calls her babies. If so how would we do it? Mix with water? How much?
Pepper Belly said:
Is it possible to use rabbit dung for fertilizer on my pepper plants? We have two fury long eared critters that my wife calls her babies. If so how would we do it? Mix with water? How much?

I used to use it all the time, back when we had a lot of rabbits here. I would take it home by the bagful and let it compost for a while. What I could get was mixed in with a corn cob based bedding, so I didn't want to dig it straight in the garden. It made beautiful compost, though. I'd got to dig some out, and it would be full of earthworms.

The rabbit poops are like little coco puffs, though, they'll float around when you water if you don't dig them in some.
I think with the wood, you'll want to compost it before putting it on the peppers. I don't know exactly how that particular litter is made, but I've been told that things like sawdust take nitrogen as part of the decomposition process, so it competes with the plants until it's broken down.
Being a lumberjack I use lots of wood shavings and sawdust in my garden but mostly pine and cedar which break down very slowly. There is a good chance your bedding is pine or cedar but you should check.
I may just buy a rabbit so I can save his poop....lol...wife will freak and so will Roscoe...
Rabbit poo is the best fertilizer I've ever used. My garden wasn't doing very well last year until I "mulched" everything with some rabbit manure and watered it in real good. Plants started growing again about two days later and produced in spite of the hot weather we had. It worked just as well on the pepper/tomato plants I had in containers. It is really good stuff.

Pepper Belly said:

For all of us non chemist/botanists what meaneth this?

PB, dude, you don't need to be a chemist/botanist to know what NPK is. surely you've heard of fertiliser/fertilizer? well, NPK (Nitrogen/Phosphorus/Potassium) is the ratio of the three major plant nutrients in plant fert./compost/food.

follow this link to thechileman.org for further information (there are restrictions on the onward distribution or publication of their material, hence the link):

Pam said:
Maybe Roscoe can scare the poo out of it for you.

Probably will be the other way around....Roscoe is such a wuss...
chilliman64 said:
PB, dude, you don't need to be a chemist/botanist to know what NPK is. surely you've heard of fertiliser/fertilizer? well, NPK (Nitrogen/Phosphorus/Potassium) is the ratio of the three major plant nutrients in plant fert./compost/food.

follow this link to thechileman.org for further information (there are restrictions on the onward distribution or publication of their material, hence the link):


As a former Combat Engineer when I see those names (Nitrogen/Phosphorus/Potassium)I think Boom :onfire: .