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Rabbit Manure versus Dairy Cow Manure

The rabbit manure runs $6 for a 50lb feed sack. The dairy cow manure runs $10 per yard. Is the rabbit manure worth the extra $$?
Yes, I use whenever I can, but in an urban environment it sells for 5-8 bucks for a walmart type bag.
My dad has used it as long as I can remember (35+ years) and he swears nothing works as well...
You can also use it 'hot'.  If the cow manure is not composted you can burn your plants.
My 1/4 cent-  adjusted for inflation
I'm new to the gardening scene but I'm going to assume its a good thing that my brother breads Holland lops and I can get lots of rabbit stuff?
Whether it is worth it depends on your soil quality before it is added.  Given good soil you don't need either, but usually both (either) will help.
Haha, reminds me of my father's last rabbit in a cage next to a line of Thuja shrubs he had planted. The three nearest shrubs are way taller than the ones further away, not weak and spindly either. The closest shrub didn't seem to mind the urine either (saturated for over a year).
The rabbit umm, passed, before he could consider using the pellets as garden fertilizer, but both of us have no doubt that it's great stuff.
I typically use horse manure in the fall and let it breakdown all winter and spring. There's a horse boarding farm less than a half mile away, and I take 5 gallon buckets there and get it for free. I usually dig from the bottom of the pile too, to get the older stuff. This year a woman I work with gave me 20 gallons of chicken manure that I tossed in there already.

also, I think cow manure isn't that great. Since their stomach breaks it down so much, their manure doesn't have a lot of value to it.
Little Johnny kept asking Tommy how he kept getting perfect scores on all his tests.  Tommy told him he takes smarter pills.  Johnny asked if he could get some and Tommy told him he would sell him a weeks supply (7) for ten bucks.  Johnny pays him and Tommy hands him 7 rabbit turds.
A week goes by and Johnny tells Tommy that after a week he doesn't feel any smarter and those pills taste like rabbit crap.
Tommy replies, "See, smarter already!!!"
Sorry, this thread reminded me of that joke.  We raised a lot of rabbits when I was a kid and all the droppings went to the garden.