Rain barrels

we've had two big storms in 24 hours in Sydney - had hail this arvo and enough rain fell in 20 minutes to have water a foot deep running down the roads.
Pam, I've seen adds for large food grade dock/utility barrel, not sure of individual price but $7 if you buy 100, although its not likely that you'd need 100.
A lot of people use these barrels for floating docks. It might be worth looking into.
chilliman64 said:
we've had two big storms in 24 hours in Sydney - had hail this arvo and enough rain fell in 20 minutes to have water a foot deep running down the roads.

We only ended up getting a half hour shower yesterday. Sat outside last night under a full moon with a few cold cans and watched a huge lightning storm creep across the southern sky.
No more rain for this week they say, and probably next too.
We had a nice rainy day today. I don't think it was expected to rain this much, but it was a steady, light rain almost all day. Everything looks well soaked.

Watching a storm creep across the sky is pretty cool. There are too many lights around here for good sky watching.
12 hours of thunderstorms last night, more predicted today & tomorrow. Got a bit ugly in places according to the news.
How'd you cope out there Bobs?
We got a bit of rain (I should get a rain gauge) and thunder, but nothing too serious. Topped up the tank, soaked the garden, left the plants intact. What more can you ask for? I heard it got pretty bad down towards the gold coast.
I have some friends up in the GC Hinterland who I haven't been able to contact all day. Mini-tornadoes is what they were saying on the news.
Batton down the hatches, supposed to be another tonight.
One of the Hab plants I've been drought hardening has almost doubled in size this last week, and the seedlings were about to step out of the seed tray themselves.
Some got to the Dams too, just have to hope it clears up again before we return to 1974.
Yeah, more tonight and tomorrow apparently. '74 was waaayyy before my time, but I imagine with all the new roads and what not built in the last 30 years there'd be less open areas to soak up the water, and the storm drains are probably all backed up from lack of use. It would be interesting...
I remember seeing on the news at the time...people in tinnies at the Breakfast Ck Pub :lol:
I'm right in the fun zone, The house I'm in went under, its raised now and flood proof to a meter. The local park was a suburb then. They never built on it again, All the streets across from me stop in 100 meters and start again on the other side. They dug it all up & put layers of pipes all the way underneath the whole thing. They're down there a few times a year checking them all for blockages. Makes a great park too, about 40 acres.
Down at the local drive-thru (Rocklea Pub) theres a post about 12 feet up, a small sign at the top with a line on it & '74.