
Well it rained heavy today, dunno how heavy because I was out of town for the day.

ALL my 2008 young plants were busted by the rain,
and this is under a 60% shade cloth

words cannot describe how pissed off I am,

had a bunch of bhuts, 7pods, scorpion, chocs and more
all started last few months and they were now kick starting into strong growth

last few weeks I also put in a complete mesh to keep out the birds and spent a small fortune moving a lot into self watering containers which worked really well.
I'm really sorry to hear about that unfortunate incident. Chile plants can be pretty resiliant. I hope they recover and give you a decent crop. Let us know how they do.

Yeah, hopefully they will branch out and be twice as bushy. Some people pinch the tops on purpose to make plants bushier.
Take it as the will of the pepper GOD. May the capsaicin be with you.
Lennyk.... Just be glad you didn't get hail. I got nailed pretty good last year. The hail took out (seemingly) my entire crop.

With a little TLC, they bounced back pretty darn good. I ended up with a decent season.

I would lay off the watering regimen for a week or so.
I've dumped them since they were pretty much broken, the plants were at the stage where the stems were getting woody and they all broke instead of bending like a younger green stemmed plant would have , unfortunately I gave away all the extra young plants over xmas

After spending a lot of time over xmas holidays setting up a protected greenhouse, its now empty :(
plants 4 u

lennyk said:
I've dumped them since they were pretty much broken, the plants were at the stage where the stems were getting woody and they all broke instead of bending like a younger green stemmed plant would have , unfortunately I gave away all the extra young plants over xmas

After spending a lot of time over xmas holidays setting up a protected greenhouse, its now empty :(

Hi Lenny...

Maybe we could Meet I have young plants for you...