Rainbow Chili Seeds - New Hybrids - HOT!

My friend Vladan sent me some pods of a few new hybrids he made.  Definitely some interesting ones.   One of them he posted about last year.  It was called Boze Moj, a real deadly looking pod.  This year he was kind enough to send me a fresh pod of it.  It is crazy hot!!  I was thrown off guard because the pod size wasn't that large, but when I bit into this, it just blew me apart.  The heat level got hotter and hotter. lol.  Started breaking into chills.  A long, violent burn.  Cool looking pods too.
Upica is a chocolate one that has serious heat too and good flavor.  A bit different inside than the Chocolate Scorpions (drier look, but nearly all placenta).   It was painful, but always fun to try the great stuff he comes up with. :)  I hope he releases Boze Moj soon, though obviously still it's early as it's a F2.
I still have one more to taste test, but doubt it''ll beat Boze Moj!



Awesome always good to see, learn about some of the less mainstream peppers!
At one time I had a spread sheet of peppers that I wanted to try in the future and the peppers I have tried.  I have abandoned updating it, and just keep up the peppers that I have tried and what I thought of them.  I do not know how some of you get so many types of peppers and how you keep track of them all but more power to you.
Thanks for sharing!
Love that. Boze Moj translates has "Holy Crap" or "Good god!" or something similar, I think. Those all look like very cool crosses.
I`m barely good enough to grow established strains, let alone come up with crosses. Hat`s off to those that do.