Random pics from the last week in Oct. Get Ripe already lol

miguelovic said:
Lookin' beauty!
Is that bug damage in the last one? Curiosity.
Yep a hornworm ate on to of my Yellow T.M.  :( As I taped it to get self pollinated seeds I am hoping a few seeds are still good.  
I'm having the same problem with my yellow brain strain and Jay's peach ghost scorp. and some black nagas, the weather keeps getting cooler causing some of my pepper plants to loose their leaves the only peppers that seem to love the cooler temps is my rocoto peppers that are putting out pods like crazy most of them will end up being picked green and stuffed with meat and cheese.
This year turned out to be one of the worst years for my peppers, most just sat there looking sad all summer and not growing or putting out any pods.
Really bummed out over my reapers that fell to a hungry rabbit, I don't know why he liked the reaper plants when he could have had some yummy bells not to far from my reapers, he took that info with him when I dropped him in my stew pot. 
I sure hope that next year is better, so I can have a great wild grow, they did the best over all my other peppers except for my Aji's and jumbo jalapenos.
My plants have flowers all over them now. :(   Good thing every year we learn something new and next year we will have something new to deal with LOL