pics Random Pod Pics

Heres some Bhuts that just looked purrdeee.

Couple of Douglahs from my Bonsai plant.


These surely have not lost any heat being Bonsaied, they are still :mouthonfire:

And this dude, his name is Scott too so he must rule. Showedr up in my backyard at random and turns out he is a chilli head. Oh yeah chill head huh try one of these (Butch T). He ate half of a pod, HE IS A TRUE HOT HEAD! On ya Scotty! I'm trying to get him to join here, loaded him up with seeds of all varieties and sent him on his merry way! :D


Some gutted Butch's just for the heck of it. They have HEAPS of placenta.
Good chili porn. BTW- how old is that Douglah Bonchi? Looks very stout. Also, I'm trying to get some Serrano's going and I saw that yours corked. I'm new to peppers and thought only the jalapeños corked. :o
Douglah is at the end if it's second year now. It got that stocky in the ground.

Corking can occur on other peppers not just jals and serranos. I am not sure of the limitations with corking. Ive never seen it on a Chinense variety.
Awesome-ass pics again, Nova! :cool:

These surely have not lost any heat being Bonsaied, they are still :mouthonfire:

Man, I just ate this little Choc Bhut here last night and I swear it felt like I had just ate a normal sized one!


Lesson learned? Size means sweet crap all.... do NOT underestimate ANY superhot regardless of how it looks! :lol: