• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Random rambling glog of 2018.92 and onwards

[SIZE=medium]I have a job that requires meticulous record keeping. Consequently, when it comes to leisure pursuits my note taking can be a little lackluster. This glog is my attempt to find a happy medium between keeping a laboratory notebook, and not remembering when I planted things and how long they took to grow. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]A quick picture of the gang right after I brought plants in from the garden to over winter. The grow tent is an inexpensive one off of amazon with dimensions of 4’x4’ (1.2mx1.2m). The two on the left are hydroponic plants that have been grown inside the apartment for the past 3 years. The remaining have all been dug up out of the ground. I stripped all of the leaves off the plants to combat aphids that came inside with the plants. Additionally, I ordered up and released 1,500 ladybugs inside the tent.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]First Pic: This is an overhead shot of my Aji Dulce a few weeks later taken on 12/11/18. The leaves are growing back quickly. In general this plants gives quick vegetative growth by comparison to my other plants.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Second Pic:[/SIZE] The top left in the hydroponic setup is an orange habanero that is also 3 years old. Top center is a MOA Scotch Bonnet that came in from the garden. It is 1 year old. The top right is a mystery variety. I grew the plant out from some Thai chili seeds that were saved from my mother’s garden. They grew out with a larger pod than the previous generation with a slightly thicker wall. I believe it to have hybridized with an Anaheim that I grew out from seeds I took off a ristra while riding my motorcycle through Hatch NM. I however am not sure. The plant is actually two years old. Unfortunately my over wintered plants got ripped out of my garden. I however found this one and put it back in the soil. I thought it was dead but it is showing a little bit of life. I am hoping that enough of it will come back that I can take a couple of clones to save the hybrid since I don’t know what it really is. The remaining two plants are another mystery variety. I ordered white bullet habanero seeds from rareseeds.com last year. Upon growing out the plants were most certainly not white bullet habaneros. They appear to be some type of sweet chinense variety with yellow/gold fruit that is ~3” in length with a strong chinense flavor but no heat. While I was disappointed to not get the white bullets, I really enjoy the flavor of this pepper.
[SIZE=medium]Third Pic:[/SIZE]A couple that I already started this year. I don’t quite remember when this seeds hit the peat, but the picture was taken last night. The peter pepper is saved seed so I am not sure it will breed true, but I will find out. The ghost is yet to sprout, but it is pretty old seed, and anymore you can buy the plants from the hardware store, so I will not be very concerned if it doesn’t sprout.
[SIZE=medium]The last pic is of the seeds I am starting as of yesterday. The two on the left are varieties of tomato varieties that I received from a friend in Seattle. I don’t know what variety they are but I liked the flavor so I saved some seed. I didn’t bother fermenting the seed, so we will see if it sprouts or if I get mold before sprouting. The other two baggies are a generic cayenne, and a second generation of the aforementioned Thai chilli cross from my mother’s garden.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]The seeds I am waiting on in the mail are orange and red rocoto, and fatalii.  [/SIZE]


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Good question why the pics are so small. It was not intentional. The previous pictures I have uploaded directly from my phone, however doing so one at a time got old, so I uploaded these to an image sharing website and linked them. Looks like I am not longer able to go back and edit the picture links I will have to figure out why they went small to prevent it in the future.
Thank you for that thread. The strain looks interesting, and I got my Aji Angol seeds exactly the same way. Through a freebie from pepperlover.
Dogmessiah said:
Good question why the pics are so small. It was not intentional. The previous pictures I have uploaded directly from my phone, however doing so one at a time got old, so I uploaded these to an image sharing website and linked them. Looks like I am not longer able to go back and edit the picture links I will have to figure out why they went small to prevent it in the future. Is there a size selection button on the picture selection page of your photo server?
Awesome update, Gabriel. Looks like you have everything
well in hand   :clap:
Really glad the Rocotos germinated so well for you. Eighty
percent is very respectable.  Of all the c. pubescens I have
grown, it has had the least problems germinating and getting
started. Good luck carrying on with them. It will be interesting
to see the hydro version in full-on grow mode!
Paul, I suspect you are correct. I am tried to go back and edit, but it appears as though this forum has a time limit. I am still fairly new to actually participating in forums instead of lurking.
I don't want to take to much credit on the rocotos. I got 5/6 red rocotos to sprout. I got 0/4 yellow rocotos. consequently I am more like 50%, unless the yellows decide to pop up but I kind of doubt it. With everything I have read about the rocotos liking cool weather, I think an indoor hydro grow will work well for them. The problem I have had with indoor habaneros is having a high enough day time temperature before the summer hits. They will grow like crazy, but when I don't turn the heat very high in the fall, winter, and spring, the habaneros don't set fruit. I am hoping the rocotos will produce under these conditions. We will find out.
When I came home from work two days ago my hydro to dirt transplanted aji dulce was having some serious wilt issues. I was hoping not to have to trim it, but due to long nights at work for the next couple of days, I gave the plant a haircut two days ago. It definitely looks a lot better now that it has less leaves for transpiration.
Monday before the haircut:

Immediately afterwards:

Two days later (today):

The Aji Dulce is going to come back to be a great plant!
The Aji Dulce is indeed getting adjusted. Here is an updated picture of it.

And an update on the orange hab. It has flowers that didn't drop during the transplant, but no buds yet. I am not sure if the grow tent is warm enough for it to set fruit.

Then again, my overwintering MOA scotch bonnet has started to set fruit, so maybe the atmosphere inside of the grow tent is warm enough to allow things to happen.

My mystery sweet chinense plant (ordered white hab seeds) from baker creek has also started to set fruit and is doing well.

Unfortunately, mystery chinense plant number 2 (same seed packet) still has not recovered from the aphids earlier this year. I am not sure why it ended up lagging so much after I stripped the leaves off all the plants, but it is still alive and may mount a comeback. I suspect that it was just on the small side, and got hit hardest by the aphids so it was less resilient when I stripped the leaves off of the plants multiple times before getting the ladybugs. Perhaps I just hit it a little too hard with dish soap. Hopefully it springs back. If not I will be taking clones from the larger plant.

I did find a pleasant surprise on him though. The ladybugs have been dispersing themselves throughout my apartment and in general disappearing. Perhaps in part because of this guy. I don't know if he is large enough to eat ladybugs, but he is eating something.

My mystery thai cross is proving it wants to live. This is a plant that I overwintered last year. I planted it out in the community garden, and some teenagers ripped it out one night but left it laying next to the garden plot so I put it back in the ground. Most of it died, but it has been slowly mounting a comeback since last summer, and then again after the aphids. Additionally it has a couple of peppers on it so I may get to see what the F2 seeds look like eventually.

Can't forget the youngsters. First up my red rocotos. I will probably transplant the largest into a hydro set up and the others up to solo cups within the next week or so. Unfortunately I didn't get the yellow rocotos to sprout so I may not be doing the all the grafting I planned. I do have a second batch of yellow rocotos started, so we will see.

Peter pepper topped about a week ago.

Cal Wonder on the left, sweet banana on the right. Both topped about a week ago.

Yellow Bell pepper, also topped about a week ago.

Apparently there is a limit on the number of pics in a single post. Continuation post coming.
Cayenne peppers. I will be selecting the strongest 1-2 plants and killing the rest this week.

Three cells of black fataliis, and three cells of yellow fataliis. Since my red and yellow rocotos aren't working out for grafting, I will probably concentrate on these plants for grafting. I am not sure how many I want to save out of these 6 cells. I will probably err on the side of caution and keep them all until some grafts take.

I have been harvesting a little bit of lettuce, but will ramp things up, as I kind of want this space/bucket for other purposes soon. Lettuce definitely grows quickly.

Chili Reds from the growdown throwdown. Still small, but they should start to get their legs under themselves soon.

Family Portrait.
Looks like your grow is firing on all cylinders, Dog!