• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

randyp 2016 IOWA,,Older and (bud) Wiser grow.

  Hello my friends,I am still in the cold  and slow time of year.I have my first(3) seedlings of the year.The first plant was the "Mystery Wine".A Chis Joyner masterpiece that eluded my garden last year due to my failure to do a good job drying seeds.I got this from a pod the reigning Growdown Champ (terry) sent me.Not many changes this year,And I still need the right hip replaced,I am holding out as long as I can,(7 years till I retire)I will update what's going in the garden when I see them in a pot,I put out a list before that never rang true so we will delay my "Wish List"
   Thanks for stopping by all you old and soon to be friends.My updates will pick up when my weather does,
Good luck to all of you this year.
To go forward we must look back.
the top is my first grow out of buckets 3 years or so ago,the bottom is the 2015 grow with beds and an automatic water drip system


this is the new grow room which was raised  to 30 inches.I can get down fine,getting up is a bitch,lol

installed doors on the seed starting station to help control temps..(my daughters old dollhouse I made her at 5 years old)I used parts lids I got from work.One had a neat drawing from a fellow co-worker must have worked up while not working.I liked it and decided I am an art collector.


There are 2 types of trays.Jiffy pucks(top) and a 3 mix starter I made.My starter had the first seedlings by the way.

Joyners "mystery wine"

LOT-Jalapeno-onion-garlic and carrot ferment started 2 weeks ago.

A pork butt cooked today to take to the AC/DC concert in Kansas City Sunday.Mini vacation,3 days in BBQ town.

one more and I'm out.My furniture eating jack russell-shih tzu dog Ryley will also be back to rid my yard of cats.
   Thank you guys for keeping up with me.Chuck I have temps in the 90's on the way and the mulch is a fail safe plan to slowly use the moisture I have been giving them.Also keeps mud from slashing up causing diseases.
I hear ya. It's been in the 90s here for the past week. No end in site. It's been working great. The plants were drooping every day. Had water I think the ground was heating up to much. No drooping now that the mulch is down.
ThePepperTrent said:
Looking awesome as always Randy!
  Thanks trent,how is your weather and grow.?
romy6 said:
 I knew I could count on you Randy for some nice food and pepper porn . Looking good my friend ;)
Thanks Jamie,you are one of my( "Mr Miyagi")  karate kid teachers.
  Plants have been forking,pods are showing on the early peppers.Heat wave killed my brown bubblegum. :confused:
Chris J's mystery wine is one healthy SOB.I will isolate a couple pods for seeds so if Chris wants some back he is more then welcome.I think growing plants in other parts of the country toughens the antibodies up in the seed stock.

these will be cheese and bacon stuffers by the 4rth of july.

orange Jal has pods.

garden shot

Vet said Ryley is now a senior Dog but being part Jack Russel he does not act like it.Kinda like me. :dance:

randyp said:
Thanks trent,how is your weather and grow.?.
The weather is pretty much prefect. Pepper grow is going to wait til next season because I'm in the process of remodeling my home but I really hope I can get something going... I loved the HUGE Bhut Jolokia's you sent last season. My family loved it!
tctenten said:
Looks like you can put it on cruise control Randy. Pods and plants look like they are loving life.
Thanks Terry,but like a mother hen,I don't let the chicks stray to far without guidance.
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Looking awesome Randy, I will always take a few seeds back and glad the plant is doing so well. Looking forward to seeing the pods!
  Chris this is a pic from this morning.Early pods to me are aaaaaaalways the best of the year,I have started netting this plant.
Mystery Wine at dawn.
stickman said:
+1 on #88... I love "Fire and Forget" gardens! :dance:
  Fire is right brother Rick,I am 3 inches below on rainfall average for June,Love the 1 gallon drippers.
ThePepperTrent said:
The weather is pretty much prefect. Pepper grow is going to wait til next season because I'm in the process of remodeling my home but I really hope I can get something going... I loved the HUGE Bhut Jolokia's you sent last season. My family loved it!
  Trent your on my must get pods to list my friend.
OCD Chilehead said:
Looking great Randy. Nice pup. Sorry to hear about the Brown BBG.

Thanks for sharing
Thanks Chuck, I will be sending you some of my best this year.I get them ready I will be in touch buddy.
Devv said:
Hey Randy!
Grow looks great!
And Ryley is just hitting his stride, as we are :party:
Although we may show a slight limp in our stride.
 Scott,you do not know how much I am blessed with your health getting better and being able to inspire.I as many missed you very much in 2015
randyp said:
Fire is right brother Rick,I am 3 inches below on rainfall average for June,Love the 1 gallon drippers.

  Trent your on my must get pods to list my friend.

Thanks Chuck, I will be sending you some of my best this year.I get them ready I will be in touch buddy.

 Scott,you do not know how much I am blessed with your health getting better and being able to inspire.I as many missed you very much in 2015
Thank you sir. That's very kind of you.
randyp said:
  I am not messing around this year.Rebuilding seed stock starts now by isolating strains that we want to stay true.
including the MW
There ya go Randy! Good luck with your efforts. I'm gonna do the same with my heirloom Gochus, King Nagas, MoA Bonnets and wilds. :party:
I think it'll also make for more controllable crosses.