Rapid Rooter

Helllo all. I purchased some rapid rooter plugs and curious if it's true that you do not need to cover seed after inserting into the hole of the plug. Sounds kind of dirty but no other way to put it.
i have used the rapid rooter plugs and i did not cover the holes. i personally found it easier to geminated seeds in soil in a solo cup then once the first set of true leaves are grown take them out of the soil rinse soil off and put in the plug

But I havent even posted this on my GLOG yet, that is where I am going next.

I used the RR plugs for 2 50 cell flats, and a 50 cell flat of Hoffman's to see which I liked better. I enjoy the RR plugs and I, like you wondered if I should cover the hole. I didnt, and it seems to be working great. I really like the fact you can look into the plug and see the seed actually germinate. You can tell when it starts to break the shell and sprout, so no need to cover the hole.
Its day 6. I soaked them overnight last Saturday, and Sunday they went into the "dirt". Actually they went into coffee filters, but that didnt work out too well, then into the plugs Monday morning. Check my GLOG for specifics. But there are about 20 or so that I can actually see the sprout, and the rest look close. I like this method.
So I took the dome off to peak inside the plugs like you said and sure thing I can see a few working their way up. Im just too anxious. I planted them wednesday night. My expectations are too high.
My hydro store pushed those on me. Curious to see how often tge seed gets stuck to the dicots. I am planting a lot of seeds and am planning on weeding out the weak ones. I can plant 3 seeds per cell and kill off the weak ones after some time. I don't have a huge grow setup and need to be efficient with my space. Hope they work out good for you guys.