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Rasputin's 12-inch dong

This is the somewhat disturbing prize specimen in Russia's first ever museum of sex and erotica - the preserved 12inch penis of legendary lover and mystic Grigori Rasputin.

Or at least, that's what the owner of the museum claims. Then again, he's also previously claimed that simply viewing the penis can cure men of impotency, when frankly we think it's more likely to put them off sex for quite some time.

This is not the first time that people have claimed to be in posession of Rasputin's severed member, which has reared its implausible head many times over the decades since his murder in 1916. No putative penis has ever been proven to be Rasputin's, however.

NSFW image here
:lol:That must be at least the 6th schlong I've heard of that's supposed to have been Uncle Iosif's. The last one I saw a picture of looked like a small piece of shrivelled jerky. It's a bit like Hitler's skull - he must have had at least 3 heads.
Looks like ALF's head...

Badger said:
:lol:That must be at least the 6th schlong I've heard of that's supposed to have been Uncle Iosif's. The last one I saw a picture of looked like a small piece of shrivelled jerky. It's a bit like Hitler's skull - he must have had at least 3 heads.

Funny you should bring that one up. They just proved that the skull wasn't his. Now the histor books have to be rewritten :lol:
Badger said:
Was that the story where the piece of jawbone they found turned out to be a woman's?

Nope. This just came out last week. It was the piece of skull that they found at the bunker. The one with the bullethole. THE one that they claimed as proof that he shot himself in the head after taking a cyanide pill.
Oh that one, yeah - just another bit of a mystery that will probably never be solved - not even by Scooby and the gang.
I thought I watched something on the history or discovery channel that did something about hitlers final days, & in it they claim the russians destroyed hitlers remains years later (since they had them)
Philipperv said:
There was a rumor that he only had 1 ball. In that case it could have been 1-1. :lol:

That was a little example of a really good guess. I forget which country did it, but they made a song that the troops would sign while fighting in WWII. In it it said that Hitler only had one testie.

It was just recently discovered that he did only have one ball. :lol: