annuum Raw Jalapenos

Hello all, I recently went to the local market and bought some raw jalapenos. Took them home and cut one up to place on my two hotdogs. WOW. These are not like the ones at the hot dog joint. Are the ones we drench on our dip and dogs cooked or something? These are very hot and the other ones are lighter in color, softer, and not as hot. Do I have to boil mine or cook to get them like the one on condiment isle? Thanks and interesting site.
if the ones you are looking for are lighter colored green and not as hot as a Jalapeno...they may be banana peppers or hungarian hot peppers. Both are spicy but not like the Jalapenos.

or may also be pepperocini.....
Welcome Caleb!

caleb said:
Hello all, I recently went to the local market and bought some raw jalapenos. Took them home and cut one up to place on my two hotdogs. WOW. These are not like the ones at the hot dog joint. Are the ones we drench on our dip and dogs cooked or something? These are very hot and the other ones are lighter in color, softer, and not as hot. Do I have to boil mine or cook to get them like the one on condiment isle? Thanks and interesting site.

While boiling a jalapeño probably would take out some of the heat, it's also possible that, as Dyce51 said, that what you had wasn't a jalapeño. And there are lots of varieties of jalapeños that have been selectively bred to have less heat. You might have had one of the ,mild ones on your hot dogs, and gotten one of the hot ones from the store.
Love them raw jalapenos....I eat them every day on sandwiches, salads, name it. I haven't had a serious cold in years since I've been doing this!

::knocks on wood::

A jalapeno a day keeps the doctor away!
The ones on nachos and hot dogs are pickled in vinegar for months or years. I personnally enjoy roasted ones on my dogs or fresh ones if roasted aren't available. But if you want that sour, soft milder version, learn about pickling or buy the ones that come in the jar. Good Luck.
I'm with Chuk on this one, I eat some sort of chili (usually 2 or 3) everyday, and haven't been sick for years-nothing, nada. Something good in them there chili pods:fireball:

Pam said:
I don't go to hot dog stands.

Actually now that you mention it I've never seen a free standing hotdog stand either, but I guess I mean the concession stand at a ball park. If you have never seen one of those you need to get out of the house more.
I meant only respect with my comment, I am sincerely surprised that you never noticed pickled jalapenos on nachos, or at the grocery store in jars. If you haven't, my apologies!I only meant that you are usually pretty quick on the up-take, and I assumed that you are in the United States (which I could be wrong about also!):P
They really are good, but I prefer the fresh ones in most applications. They are "pickled" the way cucumbers are "pickled" to make pickles. Worth trying, but I keep the fresh ones on hand too.
Oh, I'm not offended or anything, I just don't go places like hot dog stands or ball parks where they would put pickled jalapeños on stuff. Around here a slaw dawg is the big deal.

And, to be honest, I don't really care for pickled peppers, so if I'm getting store bought preserved ones, I get the ones preserved in water.
Yeah I got these amazing roasted red jalapenos in water at some huge grocery store in cincinatti. They spread like butter. It sounds crazy, but they are incredibly hot and delicious.
I just think that Caleb was looking for the pickled variety, available at most grocery stores.
Slaw eh? I am a fan of slaw on BBQ(sometimes) but on a dog? interesting.
Thanks for all the replies. I got some vinegar and brought it to a boil placed the cut Jalapenos and shut down the stove. Put them in a jar and left them in there sealed. Yesterday I took a piece out and it was sure enough hot, but mild enough for a hot dog. Thanks for all. C
imaguitargod said:
Yep, the hot dog stand ones are unripened, less heat bred, pickled (also reduces the heat).

YES AND THAT COW %&^#$ IS PRETTY DAMN FUNNY.(I mean if it were not such a threat to our way of life and all)
jedipepperhead said:
i must say raw is the only way to go with jalapenos, i hope this reaches you since it is the first post i've ever done!!!

Reading you loud and clear!

Welcome to the Hot Pepper!
Yes! Welcome young Jedi! Raw and unpickled, the way nature intended.
And might I suggest that you investigate the Cows on Mars link that Imaguitargod evidently endorses. The photo from the mars rover is priceless.
cheezydemon said:
YES AND THAT COW %&^#$ IS PRETTY DAMN FUNNY.(I mean if it were not such a threat to our way of life and all)
Thank you, thank you.

cheezydemon said:
And might I suggest that you investigate the Cows on Mars link that Imaguitargod evidently endorses. The photo from the mars rover is priceless.
Ya, I kinda hit a home run with that one. Thanks for the complement.