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Reaper trashing...

Sirex, I would attack your penis but I just read Heckle attacking HotPeppers.  He is much better at penis attacks.

Heckle, there is the thing.  I dont think he attacked my intelligence.  He said I am too intelligent.  Previously, he argued his pound prices were higher, thus better. If I did not know better, I would say he was my facade promoting myself.

Smokefire, doesn't everyone carry a gun to mow their lawn?  If I had a riding mower, i would but with push mower the damn thing pulls down my pants.  Are you serious?

Wicked Mike, yep that is why I tell people my winter prices suck and point them to the classified section often.  But even if our grows sat side by side, we would never have the same variety.  I guess there would be real competition if were only a handful of variety and everyone lived in the same climate.  But variety and mother nature has taken care of that for us.

kKiNGDeNNiZ, well ye but how much does pop corn cost at a movie theater?  Now trying to figure out how he got produce into California.  Don't you guys have patrols and check points at your boarders?  Das ist verboten!  I am imagining secret compartments built in to smuggling RVs and fake families to distract the inspection agents at the boarder.  I cant remember the movie I am thinking about.
Inedible, yes!  That was it.  Oh damn i laughed so hard when the other girl thought the kid was getting French kissing lessons from his sister and mother.  Oddly, I understand that is a popular form of porn.  Yuck.

KiNGDeNNiZ, afterthought.  I do not think I could pay for a table at a West Coast convention, fly staff from Kentucky (like I have staff), UPS my materials, and over night peppers without charging a fortune selling pods.  I imagine it would be a bit more affordable to sell shelf stable products, but not much.
Walked right into it . . . . . . . . .
Yeah I took a shot,but prevailed I did
Thanks for playing Please Drive Thru  . . .  . . . . .
Sam & Oliver said:
So... will it be possible to find fresh reaper pods in April in time for the NYC Hot Sauce Expo?
Sure it will. Florida and Texas represent year round. I bet that NYC fest is a blast too.
*cough* its You're not Your. One is possessive - eg your tractor, your car, your Butt-hurt - something you own. VS something someone else is - eg You're a pain, you're my friend, you're out of pickles, or even you're butt-hurt.

Carry on.
Man i don't even understand the fight? Whats it matter what you charge for fresh peppers? You have every right to charge whatever you want, and customers have every right to shop around for the price they want to pay, lol. And ive seen I-Robot, were all going to get our asses kicked by robots someday.
So heres the deal.

The value of an item is the highest price the market will support. At the higher end of the scale you might make more money per pod, but have a harder time consistently selling those same pods. At the lower end of the scale you might make less money per pod, but can likely sell every single pod you produce.

You aren't charging too much money if you're selling out of peppers and happy with the profit.

Under extreme circumstances (eg winter) when you are the only one producing peppers you can basically charge whatever you want, and if people want peppers they will buy them.

Obviously the market is supporting these higher prices in winter. So whats the problem?

Sounds like someone is jealous they can't grow (or perhaps sell) peppers this time of year. But failure to live in an awesome climate is not AJ's fault.

That said, and at the risk of having my own penis attacked, penis attacking might be a bit too far of a response :):):)

Just felt the need to point out I put on my cup prior to making this post so that the family jewels stay safe.