chinense Reapers?

Hey everybody! This is my first post. Just wondering if anyone has any reapers for sale. 
Happy Fourth of July,
:welcome: from Central Virginia
GoatModeus said:
Why just not buy seeds from amazon? 10 seeds for like £1.99 (UK free delivery)
I don't recommend buying seeds from amazon or ebay.  4 months later you might end up with habaneros.  This is not my personal experience but I've read over and over again accounts of people not getting what they paid for from large commercial sites like that.  I agree with Pepper Lover in the idea of getting them from, that's their breeder's company...his name is Ed Currie.
Are you specifically looking for seeds or for fresh peppers or what?
GoatModeus said:
Why just not buy seeds from amazon? 10 seeds for like £1.99 (UK free delivery)
I would also highly advise not buying seeds from Amazon, especially Seeds Direct. I purchased several varieties last year due to the cheap cost, and everything turned out to be either a cayenne or orange habanero. It's not worth the wasted time and effort to potentially save a few bucks.
"I would also highly advise not buying seeds from Amazon, especially Seeds Direct. I purchased several varieties last year due to the cheap cost, and everything turned out to be either a cayenne or orange habanero. It's not worth the wasted time and effort to potentially save a few bucks."

By Seeds Direct are you referring to Premier Seeds Direct?
If so I bought Basil seeds from them online, and they are all carrying some disease, covered in white spots, however they smell good but no taste. Pointless really. My own personal experience. I think everyone makes the mistake once.
Hey all! Thanks for the welcome! 
I'm looking for fresh with the intention of de-seeding and sprouting those. So if you know of anything, let me know!
It will be another month before I have any fresh Reapers, right now my largest plant is blooming but stalling, not sure why.  My one other plant must still be rooting because it's a major runt, I've got leaves on the one that's blooming bigger than the entire second plant lol
Disco Cunt said:
Hey all! Thanks for the welcome! 
I'm looking for fresh with the intention of de-seeding and sprouting those. So if you know of anything, let me know!
you a little late to just be starting in colorado,no?   maybe your indoor? why i ask is. maybe just buy seeds from ed currie. he invented the pepper and sells them.  the reapers are going to be a little hotter than your bell that you listed as your favorite "hot" pepper. 
maybe start a thread in the forum ads section?

Scoville DeVille said:
Thank you.
I am glad my wife isn't logged in right now.