Recommendations for a first large grow?

Hawaiianero said:
Now I have to find seeds 
Let me know if you want some. I'd be more than happy to send you some, if you don't mind OP. This year will be my third year in a row growing them. Started from seed this year. The previous two years, I ordered plants from CCN.

They're probably in my top 5 for flavor. Nice smoky heat, a little hotter than a Yellow Bonnet. 400,000-450,000 SHU maybe? That's just off the top of my head (guessing). If you're interested, let me know :)
For super hots my wife and I love the Chocolate Douglah..We also love MA Daisy Cutters(A yellow 7-Pot)...Paper Lantern habs for a medium hot...Those always go into our grow and usually another 20 varieties...Wish you the best of luck..No matter what varieties you pick you'll have a blast with your grow I'm sure..
Seeds currently on  the way via a kind forum member:  Red Fatalii Gourmet Rocato, Wiri Wiri, Red Diminican Habanero, Aji Amarillo, Chocolate Bhutish, MOA Scotch Bonnet. I am so looking forward to receiving these seeds.
I am going to buy seeds for most of the other stuff you guys recommended (going with what is locally available first), and will start a growlog when the seeds go in the media. I'm hoping that will be by the end of the month.
Thanks so much for your input. There are just waaaay too many chili varieties for me to choose from, and you have narrowed the field considerably. What a great forum.
MrGlen said:
I am going to buy seeds for most of the other stuff you guys recommended (going with what is locally available first)
going with reputable vendor first.  if the plant doesn't grow true you will waste a lot of time and effort.