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Recursive Vacuuming

So ...
We know you can use vacuum to quickly and effective improve meat marinade ...
Here's my question ...
Can we come back and try to vacuum the juices & drippings back into the cooked meat? ...
Anyone rest their smoked meat in a vac canister and then suck the juices back into it? ...

I'd probably strain the drippings first, but it should be able to be driven in ...
Doesn't it usually leave the meat dry and force all the marinade in in the beginning? ...
Might not even have time enough to hurt the bark too badly ... the bark isn't that dry to begin with, at least mine have been more tacky/sticky than crispy ...
I like to think that it happens fast enough that there's not time to "soak" in ...
My powered vac sealer doesn't have the canister attachment, and I'm not sure how much suction you can generate w/ the hand-pump things, so we might be waiting for someone else to try this, or until I get a new sealer (on the TODO) ...
Man, way to many -ics going on to contend with, GM~~~ :crazy:  
  but back to the OP... it "seems" counter-intuitive to put a juicy piece  of meat in a vacuum that will suck all the juices OUT of the meat?????
If you have a nice Seer on a chunk of Carne, and then let it rest.....all the juices stay in the meat. 
I dunno nuthin~  and i charcoal brats on a regular basis. 
True Story.
Just ask my family~~~

Actually, you are right. To put dripping juices back in you would use pressure, not vacuum ...

It would be more like combining them w/ chunks in a siphon w/ nitrous ...

I agree, though, this idea's bunk ...
I don't think it will work either way. The fibres of the meat shrink (especially the outer ones). So theoretically everything you manage to get back in there will be pushed out to some extent. But there's only one way to find out. But even if it would work it would ruin the super taste of sear marks.

It would be great though, what an AED can do to the human heart is what that technique could do to my MIL's chicken fillet.