• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Red Habanero Fertilizer Experiment

This is my first Grow Blog (glog)!
I want to share with you guys my ongoing "fertilization experiment".
I am a rookie grower from San Pedro Sula, Honduras. I have started growing superhots this year with somewhat moderate success. On my first set of plants, I was unsure of what ferts to use so went a bit crazy and threw anything I could get my hands on at them, with very little control. I don't have access here to the great variety of organic and chemical fertilizers you guys have over in the US and Europe. My results were varied, with some plants having very good pepper yields while others almost none. Heat was intense in some plants and mildish in others. My morugas where as hot as a normal hab while the chocolate bhutlahs were lava hot!
Since no notes were taken on what I was using, I had no idea of what effect each fert was having on the plants. So I decided to grow a new batch of peppers and experiment with some of the different fertilizers I have available and find out what works for best for me and my conditions.
Please, feel free to ask questions, suggest ideas/changes or criticize the methodology. This is one of my main objectives in posting this here. 
The goal of this experiment first year is to find out what effect each fert has on:
  • Plant Growth
  • Time to flower
  • Yield
  • Heat
Next year, interaction between base and supplemental fertilizers will be attempted to be evaluated. 
Consistent Inputs
  • Plants: 6 red habaneros, seeds taken from the same pod, seedlings selected according to similarity in size
  • Final Container: 5 gallon grow bags
  • Soil: Potting mix with 4 handfuls of compost mixed thoroughly

  • (sand:58%, lime:22%, clay 20%, organic material:7.59%... I really dont trust these number and Its quite possible someone just pulled them out their rear)

[*]Weather: Hot, sunny and humid. Highs are around 40C during may and june and lows around 19C during december. Average humidity is around 80%. (hardiness zone 13b)
[*]Water availability
[*]Pest control: neem oil and soap

Variable Inputs

I am aware some of these are only complementary fertilizers, like cal-mag or even epsom salts, but I want to see what their isolated effect is none the less.  Sample size is very small to be considered a real scientific experiment with statistical significance, I am aware of that too, but.. well this aint a nasa study. 
The granular mix was given to me in a local agro shop. They were not able to provide me with its npk ratio, but they assured me it was a "complete mix" and what my peppers needed. They instructed me to spread what I could pinch with 4 fingers in a circle 5 inches away from the base of the plant. 
Epsom salts will be added foliarly and to the soil.
So, lets begin!
The plants have finished germinating on the seed starting tray.

The 6 seedlings with the most similar size have been transplanted to 16 oz foam cups, using the double cup method, and have gotten their first round of fertilizer. the granular mix was added to the bottom par of the soil on cup #4

Size Rank: All seedling were very similar so sizing them was somewhat hard, this is the best I could judge them from large to small:
  •   6,3,2,1,4,5
Size Rank: 2,3,5,1,4,6
There is a clear size difference in #2 (miracle gro) and, #3 (epsom salts) compared to all the other plants. Plant #6 has dropped a couple of leafs and looks withered.
Size Rank: 3,2,5,4,1,6
The plant with epsom salts (#3) has overtaken miracle gro (#2). The other appear stagnant.
Second round of fertilizers was applied to #2,3,5,6. Concentration of fertilizer to #6 was halved. 


Size Rank: 3,2,5,4,6,1
Epsom salts still in the lead, the plant with no fertilizers is now the smallest.
-Third round of fertilizers to #2,3,5,6
Size Rank: 3,2,5,4,6,1


-Size Rank: 2,3,5,4,6,1
  • Miracle gro (2) is again in the lead. Foliage looks healthier and greener on the plant with epsom salts (3).


Plants were transplanted  into grow bags.
  • Was one 5 gallon grow bag short, used a 7 gallon bag for plant #1 instead.

To be continued...
My gawd I hate this thread...hate hate hate it.....................ONLY cause every time I look at this very cool experiment I see green grass and foliage in the background, and that makes me so very sad.
In all seriousness I love this little thing your doing MP...I kinda wanna do something similar by combing a few of the suppliments together and seeing what works better ect. Keep the updates coming Sir!!
CDNmatt said:
My gawd I hate this thread...hate hate hate it.....................ONLY cause every time I look at this very cool experiment I see green grass and foliage in the background, and that makes me so very sad.
In all seriousness I love this little thing your doing MP...I kinda wanna do something similar by combing a few of the suppliments together and seeing what works better ect. Keep the updates coming Sir!!
LOL! Thanks!
Yes, there is a lot of green right now. These are the best months of the year. Once summer starts, a lot of that grass will turn brown unless you water it regularly. 
But it seems adverse weather conditions makes for the best growers. I see on these forums that the most amazing plants with incredible yields are mostly in cold places, not naturally suitable for pepper plants. 
Plants continue to grow without any major problems besides one toppling, with no damage to the plant, due to the wind. Tied them to stakes to avoid this in the future.






Size Rank: 
  1. MiracleGro 24-8-16 (#2)
  2. Granular 26-16-11 (#4)
  3. Calmag (#5)
  4. Epsom salts (#3)
  5. Tacre Hidro 11-20-25 (#6)  (previously humic acid)
  6. none #1
Miracle Gro and the granular fert seem to be growing exponentially and are leaving the others behind more every day. Miracle Gro has even set some pods now.

#5 is now booming with the new fert and has produced some beautiful foliage. The growth has been amazing since the the switch to the "tacre hidro".

The plant with no fertilizer (#1) seems to have started to take off and has doubled in size in a less than a week. Its still far behind the other ones.

The plants with epsom salts and cal mag are about the same size. Their growth seems to have slowed down and are getting left behind. Even #5 will more than likely overtake them in a few days. They both are flowering though, and seem to already have set some pods. 
The foliage on the epsom salts plant has a lighter shade of green than all the other ones, almost on par with the no ferts plant. Their leaf size is also significantly smaller.

The leaves on the 3 plants with proper fertilizer look almost like tobacco leaves!

Take Hidro:

That's all for this update guys. I'll be updating progress in 2 o 3 weeks.
Sorry for the mess in the date stamp. The time stamp app seems to want to go to the U.S. format every once in a while. 
As always, looking forward to comments, questions and suggestions. 


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This is really cool! It makes me almost want to do my own comparison between things I have (Like Miracle Grow, Alaska Fish, and the Epsoma Start/Grow/Bloom).
It seems my previous grows have gone at the speed of #1 so far compared to most everyone else.
violentglitter said:
This is really cool! It makes me almost want to do my own comparison between things I have (Like Miracle Grow, Alaska Fish, and the Epsoma Start/Grow/Bloom).
It seems my previous grows have gone at the speed of #1 so far compared to most everyone else.

I agree and would like to do the same thing of some sorts...I also think the more side by side grows done might help give people a good idea how each type works against another since price can vary widely.
Just noticed that both the epsom salts and cal mag plants are already showing signs of nitrogen deficiency.  Bottom leaves are turning yellow and falling. Thats also why the rest of their leaves aren't as green as the ones on the other plants, but a lighter shade of it.
View attachment 73513
Seems like this soil low on nitrogen, which is not surprising for soil that comes from jungle or rain forest environments. 
I am now debating with myself whether I should continue feeding these two plants with just epsom salts and calmag and see it through untll the end, or, having witnessed the clear cut difference between these and the ones fed complete ferts, try a couple of different ferts I recently got a hold of on them. It looks like these two will just wither away in a couple of months. 
I think Im gonna try and harvest some peppers off of them, see how they taste like and compare  them to the ones from the other plants. If they continue going downhill after that (which they most likely will), I might be forced to save them with something else. Feel bad letting them go to waste. 
Was wanting to post an update to my glog but it seems I cant upload any more pictures. I "can upload up to 129.78KB of files (Max. single file size: 129.78KB)". 
Anyone know why this is happening or how to fix this? Thanks for your help.
You hit the wall. Us peon members can only upload a limited amount of stuff to the site. Suggest you go start an account at imgur.com and upload to there. Then you create a BBCode link and paste the link in the body of your message. Do Preview Post to make sure you like what you see. It's really quite simple. Lemme know if you need more help.
DWB said:
You hit the wall. Us peon members can only upload a limited amount of stuff to the site. Suggest you go start an account at imgur.com and upload to there. Then you create a BBCode link and paste the link in the body of your message. Do Preview Post to make sure you like what you see. It's really quite simple. Lemme know if you need more help.
Thanks! Thats exactly what I'll do!
Hello Everyone,
Plant have continued to grow in what I would consider a predictable manner.
Size Rank: 
1. MiracleGro 24-8-16 (#2)
2. Local Granular 26-16-11 (#4)
3. Tacre Hidro  11-20-25 (#6)
4. Calmag (#5)
5. Epsom salts (#3) 
6. None (#1)


Plant #1 with no fertiizer has its first flower buds, continues growing steady but slowly. The foliage is looking healthy.

Plant #2 with Miracle still in the lead. Very nicee foliage and has set lots of pods, some will probably be ready to harvest in the following weeks. Still producing flowers like crazy. So far the largest and most productive plant by a large margin.


Plant #3 with epsom salts is the one thats looking the worst. Even though its still larger than the no ferts plant, its foliage is looking yellowish and scrawny. It has set exactly 3 pods but it now has no more flowers, it dropped all of them and is no longer producing more.


Plant #4 with the local granular fert is looking good. Has a nice amount of set pods and plenty of flowers, foliage looks green and nice. 

Plant #5. The cal-mag dosed plant is looking better than its epsom salts counterpart. It still continues to grow, has set a few pods and is still producing flowers. Its leaves look slightly yellowish but not as yellow as the epsom salts plant. 

Plant #6. This one, with the low nitrogen "Tacre Hidro" is looking very promising. It has the best looking foliage of all and is growing very fast. It has overtaken the plants on epsom salts and calmag. Its still to set fruit as it was fertilized later than the rest, but its producing lots of flowers. I think this one will give miraclegro a run for its money.

So whats next? 
YIELD! The plan is to weigh the harvest and tabulate the yield month per month, and throw a simple graph displaying how all the plant are stacking up to each other. Right now, #2 is clearly in the lead, but only time will tell how its productivity will behave in the long run.
Once I start harvesting, some very subjective and unscientific taste and heat tests will be performed. The pod where these seeds came from was a very hot pod, higher than the regular orange habs I had tried before. 
Thanks for reading guys, next update in two or three weeks. 
This is great study that's very helpful to me. Thank you.
Has the dosage or frequency changed since the beginning?
What is the dosage of the Tacre Hidro?
Do any of your fertilizers show chlorine in the analysis?
Are your plants in full sun all day?
DWB said:
This is great study that's very helpful to me. Thank you.
Has the dosage or frequency changed since the beginning?
What is the dosage of the Tacre Hidro?
Do any of your fertilizers show chlorine in the analysis?
Are your plants in full sun all day?
Thanks DWB! Im glad its being useful others. 
Yes the dosage has remained the same since the start. The Tacre Hidro is added every two weeks, and per the bags instructions, I add 2 tablespoons per gallon of water. About 1/3 gallon goes to this plant. The rest to other peppers that are not part of the "experiment".
The plants get about 7 hours of direct sunlight.